Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 8 Term 1


Dear Parents and Carers,


I am so grateful to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you for making yesterday's Open Community Day an outstanding success. Your unwavering support and enthusiasm truly made the day memorable for everyone.  


A special appreciation goes out to the Parents and Friends' Committee for their tireless efforts in organizing such a successful event. Your dedication to fostering community spirit is truly commendable.


I must also express my admiration for the talented student and parent singers and performers who showcased their incredible skills, captivating the audience with their outstanding performances. Your talent and hard work are a testament to the culture we nurture here at St Fidelis.


To the stall holders and everyone who generously contributed donations, your involvement played a significant role in the success of our Community Day. Your generosity and commitment to our school community are deeply appreciated.


As we reflect on the day's festivities, let us take pride in being part of such a special Catholic Community. Together, we continue to uphold the values of compassion, of our patron Saint Fidelis, that define us.


It was lovely to see families of the past, present and future families join this day as a true community.


Once again, thank you all for your invaluable support and for making our Open Community Day a truly memorable and successful day.


Have lovely week,




A reminder that there will be a School Closure Day this Friday March 22nd. There will be whole day care available if you require this service. Call THEIRCARE to register. This School Closure Day is in preparation for our School Review that will take place in May, Term Two.

Whole School Assembly Change of Date:  THURSDAY MARCH 21ST  - focus HARMONY DAY 

Harmony Week - This week, our school community will celebrate Harmony Week. During this week we celebrate our cultural diversity. Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. 


Throughout the week, the children at St Fidelis will participate in lessons that focus on inclusiveness and our multicultural backgrounds. On Thursday March 21st, Year 5/6MC will lead us in whole school assembly and prayer with a focus on harmony and diversity. 

Each child will receive an orange ribbon to wear as a sign and symbol of our commitment to harmony and diversity. 

Sibling Enrolments for 2025 

If you have a child commencing Foundation in 2025 can you please enrol your child by the end of March so we can determine how many places will be available to new families for 2025. We have a high sibling intake in 2025 however we may have missed some so please ensue  you enrol before March to secure your enrolment for 2025. Collect your enrolment forms from the school office or download them from our website. 

School Fees 2024

You would have received the School fees for 2024. We would appreciate payment as soon as possible. The school has already paid for all of your children's stationary upfront and prompt payment of the first installment would be most appreciated. The office is open from 8:30am to 4:00pm each day if you would like to pay in person. If you prefer to pay by direct debit, please use the bank details below. If any families need to discuss alternative arrangements for the payment of fees, please contact me directly.  

Included are the Bank details for your ease of payment:

CDF (Catholic Development Fund)
BSB:083 347
ACCOUNT:65 603 6380
REF:  Childs name Fee Account Number
ACCOUNT TO:  St Fidelis Primary School

Please note once you have made a payment can you email Ann Russo 

annr@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au with the amount you have deposited.


Concessional School Fee

Families who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for a fee concession:

  •  Any family of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage
  •  Any family holding a HCC and eligible for CSEF
  •  Any family holding a DVA Gold Card
  •  Any family identified as refugees and holding an ImmiCard

Please collect a concession fee application form to be considered for the concession fee.