School News

We have had a very busy few weeks here at Wyndham Vale rimary School and our wonderful Mr McClelland has been very busy running around to ensure he has many photos for everyone to enjoy. Please scroll through to see our photos of the Junior School Council Badge Ceremony, Community Picnic, Colour Run and Harmony Day.
Junior School Council Badge Presentation
Please click the link below to see our fantastic video of the Community Picnic
created by our Performing Arts teacher, Mr McClelland
From our Junior School Council :
The Fun Run was so exciting as it was different from what we had done in previous years so we didn’t know what to expect! I know the students had lots of fun because there was so much laughter and smiles! It was good to see even the teachers were having fun! Also the sprinklers before we ran were so nice as it was a hot day. And it was great that the event wasn’t competitive so we could all have fun together!
Thank You,
-JSC Member Ashley
Notes on the Fun Run
It was a lot more fun with different obstacles and you got to decide how many laps you want to do.
There were different stations across the track where you could get covered in colour
You didn’t need to run in your house colours , you could run with your friends and race each other.
There was a wide range of colours like, green, red, orange, blue, purple and others colours.
By Xavier JSC Member
Notes on Harmony Day
Harmony day was great! Children learned about other cultures and learned to respect them. In the parade it was so colourful and people explained about their dresses and traditions. Children felt like they could be their true self. At the end of the day people are different bodies but we have the same heart.
By JSC member Vikruti
It was my pleasure last week to celebrate our student leaders for this year and present them with their badges. I am so honoured to be supporting our School Captains in leading our Junior School Council.
Mrs Palmer
Hi All!
1A and 5H would love to thank all the entries in the Colouring In Competition! There were so many amazing artworks that it was very hard for 1A and 5H to chose winners.
1A and 5H came together and each student voted for their favourite artwork. They did this responsibly, respectfully and honestly.
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Prep to Grade 2:
Logan from 1A!
Congratulations Logan, you have won a $25 Woolworths Voucher.
The winner for the Grade 3 to Grade 6:
Summer from 6E!
Congratulations Summer, you have won a $25 Woolworths Voucher.
1A and 5H had a wonderful time creating the colouring in drawings and choosing our winners.
Thank you to all the students who participated.
Ms Newell and Mrs Hadzic
Fun/Colour Run
A few snapshots of our oval after its first "hair cut"
Harmony Day
Year Three
The Year Three students have been working hard lately! Firstly, we want to offer our congratulations to all of the students for completing NAPLAN. Every student put in their best effort, and we couldn't be prouder of them. Plus, we had the school Fun Run to look forward to which was a blast. Running laps around the oval and getting covered in bright colours was messy but so much fun. This term has been packed with excitement, and we can't wait to see what term 2 has in store for us!
If you are the holder of a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card you are entitled to receive funding called CSEF - Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund. You may have received it last year but if you have a sibling that started this year you will need to fill in a form for that child. If you have transferred from another school you will also need to fill in a for with us, forms are available from the office, more information is available under the CSEF tab within the newsletter.
Yard Duty and Supervision
Student safety at Wyndham Vale Primary School is our highest priority and the safe and appropriate supervision of students is an important element of our duty of care to students. Part of this duty is ensuring parents and students are aware of our student supervision arrangements before and after school.
Before school: School gates are opened, and grounds are supervised at 8:20am until all students have entered classrooms at 8:45am.
After school: School grounds are supervised at the conclusion of the school day at 2:55pm until gates are closed at 3:10pm.
Students on school grounds outside these times will not be supervised (unless they are attending a before or after school care program or supervised extracurricular activity). Parents/carers/guardians are requested to ensure that students do not attend school outside of these supervised times unless they are attending before or after school care, or a pre-arranged supervised activity (i.e. sports practice).
Families are encouraged to contact the school office on 03 8754 0888 or refer to Team Kids for more information about the before and after school care facilities available to our school community or if you would like any further information about our student supervision arrangements.
For a copy of our school’s Yard Duty and Supervision Policy please contact the school office on 03 8754 0888. This policy includes Wyndham Vale Primary School’s student supervision arrangements across the school day, including before and after school.
Michael Laird
Assistant Principal
All late comers need to go straight to Mrs Bebend to be signed in.
Please remember to label you child's uniform with their name. We have many items of clothing in lost property that we cannot return because there is no name on the items.
Road Safety:
Wyndham Council have contacted us to inform us they will be patrolling our school area due to the large number of complaints they have received regarding dangerous driving, parking across drive ways and on the nature strips as well as the school crossings not being used.
We are asking that you are vigilant at all times and role model for our students the following:
Cross at the school crossings
Do not park on the nature strip
Do not park across our neighbors driveways and block them
Do not double park to drop children off/pick them up
Do not speed, be aware of your speed and the speed limit during school hours
Pedestrians are to give way to vehicles at round abouts.
It is in everyone's best interest to keep the students safe and be respectful to those around you and be a good role model for the students -
WVPS Staff - DO NOT cross the road without using the crossing