Clean Up Australia Day

It was an absolute delight to see All Saints’ students clean up the roadsides and parks of Tumbarumba before and after their tennis instruction in conjunction with Clean Up Australia efforts. Our students had noticed a high level of rubbish on roadside pathways in previous weeks when walking to and from the local tennis courts, so they were more than happy to don safety gloves and pick up rubbish found in the local area. We hope that this kind of effort promotes a level of respect for our town and a deeper understanding of our school baseline behaviours, ‘Present with Pride’ and ‘Right time, Right place, Right thing.’ 


We have also had a few issues lately with students putting waste products in the wrong bins at school. Please ensure you are communicating and educating your child on what bins their lunchbox waste should go in. If we don’t see an improvement, bins will become available for classroom waste only, and all lunchbox waste will be returned to homes.