Year 4/5/6

Exploring Persuasive Texts and Length in Mathematics: Empowering Students to Excel!
We are excited to share with you the engaging learning experiences that unfolded in our classroom this week as our students delved into the art of persuasive writing and continued their exploration of measurement in mathematics.
English Adventures: Persuasive Texts and Devices
In English, our students embarked on an exciting journey into the world of persuasive writing. Through interactive discussions and hands-on activities, we explored various persuasive devices such as emotive language, rhetorical questions, and appeals to logic and emotion. Students were challenged to analyse persuasive texts, identify key techniques, and apply them in their own writing.
We encourage you to extend this learning experience at home by inviting your child to put their newfound skills to the test! The next time your child wants something, propose that they write a persuasive speech to convince you. Encourage them to use persuasive devices effectively and to present their arguments with clarity and conviction. This fun activity not only reinforces classroom learning but also nurtures essential communication and critical thinking skills.
Learning Outcomes:
- EN4-3B: Uses and describes language forms and features appropriate to different types of texts.
- EN5-3B: Selects and uses language forms and features, and structures of texts according to different purposes, audiences, and contexts.
- EN6-3B: Selects and uses appropriate language forms, features, and structures for a range of purposes, audiences, and contexts.
Mathematics Mastery: Exploring Length and Measurement
In mathematics, our focus this week remained on measurement, with a specific emphasis on length. Students engaged in a variety of hands-on activities and real-world scenarios to deepen their understanding of measurement concepts and develop their proficiency in measuring length accurately.
As your child continues to explore length and measurement in mathematics, we encourage you to reinforce their learning at home. Look for opportunities to practise measuring objects around the house, discuss the importance of standard units of measurement, and engage in meaningful conversations about the practical applications of length measurement in everyday life. By integrating mathematics into daily routines, we can empower our students to become confident and proficient mathematicians.
Learning Outcomes:
- MA4-9MG: Measures, records, compares, and estimates lengths, distances, and perimeters in metres, centimetres, and millimetres.
- MA5-9MG: Measures, records, compares, and estimates lengths, distances, and perimeters using formal units and abbreviations.
- MA6-9MG: Measures, records, compares, and estimates lengths, distances, and perimeters using uniform informal units, metres, centimetres, and millimetres.
Closing Thoughts:
As we reflect on the enriching learning experiences of this week, we are inspired by the curiosity, enthusiasm, and creativity displayed by our students. By fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment both in the classroom and at home, we can empower our students to excel academically and develop essential skills that will serve them well in all aspects of life.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education. Together, we can nurture a love for learning and inspire a lifelong journey of discovery and growth.