P & F News

Easter Raffle
Next Thursday we will draw the winners of our Easter Raffle!
Tickets have already been sent home. If you need more, please see Mrs Mac in the office.
If anyone has an item to donate for the raffle, please have it in by Wednesday 27 March so we can organise the prizes.
All money raised will go to Caritas Australia.
Thanks everyone for your support of this cause.
Mother's Day afternoon tea
Thursday 9th May
The annual P&F AGM was held Wednesday the 20th of March. Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the evening.
Emma McGrath stepped down as P&F President. Emma would like to thank the committee and the school community for all their support over the past year. She found it a fun and rewarding opportunity to support All Saints’.
The committee welcomed Susan Cox into the role of P&F President. Claire McIntyre will continue on as P&F Secretary. The P&F and our school wishes Susan, Claire and all the P&F Committee members good luck for the coming year.
If you would like to support the All Saints P&F Committee, they meet the 3rd week of every term. All parents and supporters of our school are welcome to come to a meeting to find out what it is all about and see what you can do to help our school. Every little bit counts.