Foundation FF & FL-Student Learning

We have been very busy in Foundation already this term!

In English, we met Cooper the Caterpillar, Izzy the Insect, Ben the Bear and Harry the Hippopotamus. We also learnt heart words The, the, My, my and I. In maths we learnt numbers that are 1 more and 1 less, and Friends of 10. 


In French, we have been working on our new story called La Poule Maboule (Chicken Licken), the children are really enjoying learning all about the characters and story. In Maths the children enjoyed making friends of 10 using leaves and sticks from the playground.



We have been very lucky to have had Phoebe and Hannah, who are pre-service teachers from Melbourne University, with us for the last four weeks. We wish them all the very best in their future teaching careers – maybe back at Fitzroy Primary one day! The children are going to miss them!



-Foundation , Fabienne & Lorene (French)