From the Principal

A very warm welcome to Term 2. I hope everyone has enjoyed some well-deserved rest and relaxation, returning to the College feeling refreshed and looking forward to what will no doubt be a very exciting Term ahead.


As we commence Term 2, I extend my thanks and congratulations to all students, staff and families involved in this week’s celebration of the performing arts during our College Musical, Chicago. As many are aware, preparations for the College musical commenced many months ago and involve a broad section of our community, some who have volunteered their time and expertise for many years. As way of example, the College musical has been blessed to have a former Australian Ballet dancer, Mrs Juliet Owen, as choreographer for over 30 years.  Having sat in on a couple of rehearsals, there is no real surprise why the dance sequences are so tight. Such expertise indeed; thank you Mrs Owen.


A particular thank you is extended to our Director, Mr George Tsakisiris, who so expertly led our talented student cast; all superbly supported by the Production Crew, Orchestra, Backstage Crew, Technical Crew, and others assisting with Makeup, Costumes, Hair and Front of House. Of course, at the time of writing, preparations are well underway for tonight’s show, so we wish our cast and crew the best of luck (I believe the saying is ‘break a leg’) for tonight’s show and the final two performances on Saturday. Congratulations to everyone involved!


Finally, our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those who were tragically killed in Sydney this week.


Dear Lord


We grieve the loss of life through acts of violence in our country.

Please comfort all those who grieve or have been impacted by the events in Sydney this past week.


Through your infinite mercy, gather those who have died into your eternal embrace and bless those who mourn the death of loved ones.


Bless the police, ambulance and emergency medicine personnel and first responders to these events and honour the courage of the ordinary citizens who acted with extraordinary compassion to assist the dying and injured.


We pray for the recovery of those who have been injured and for those who have been so impacted by these traumatic circumstances and ask all of this in Your name. 




Daniel Mahon
