Middle SS News

Sarah Hill

Two weeks until the end of term. How did we get here so fast?



A reminder that IEP’s will be checked on Accelerus this week. Please ensure you have uploaded these and that they are ready to review, so that you have feedback provided. 



A gentle reminder to please let me know if you are, or are not able to go into the pool with students during our week long swimming excursion commencing the week starting Monday 6th May. Make contact with families of carers you feel may be interested in attending to support their child, so that we can develop a plan around what swimming week will look like for the MSS.


Clutter Free Environments

As part of the tier 1 checklist, you were asked to consider whether you have provided a clutter free environment for your students. That is, that the classroom is organised and tidy, and that any unnecessary items/objects are stored away out of view. This week, I would like for you to reconsider this. 



What can I see around the classroom that is not used readily/hourly?

What storage am I using? Is it clearly labelled?

Does everything have a ‘place’, or is it wherever it ends at the remainder of the day?

How long is it taking me to pack up at the end of the day? Do I need to put in place further supports or enact structures that will provide students with greater autonomy and ownership over the classroom? How can I help them, to assist in having a role in the organisation that exists in the room. 

Jacob is more than willing to support the removal of items, so please, when reviewing the classroom environment, consider whether items need to be cleared.


Have a wonderful week MSS!