Celebrations and Acclamations

- Primary SS - Thank you to Room 4 staff for working together as a team to support their students needs.
- Middle SS - Thank you admin for all your work in getting the excursion forms actioned, so that we can go on some wonderful trips outside of the school next term!
- Secondary SS - Thankyou to Dan and Juri for stepping into the secondary sub school role why I was on LSL. I really appreciate their hard work.
- Learning Specialists - Thank you to Juri, Stefania, Katie and everyone else for welcoming me to JSA - Karla
- OH&S - We extend our gratitude to the staff who took part in the CPR Training last week. Your commitment to acquiring CPR knowledge and honing your expertise is commendable and deeply valued. Thank you to Sidra, Gail, Navneet, Lence, Denise, Melynda, Havva, and Ashleigh H.
- Therapy - A big thank you to everyone for all your hard work this term. As Term 1 is coming to an end, the Therapy Team would like to thank all classroom teams for everything that you do for our students. We see you and we appreciate all that you do!
- Admin - Well done to Shirley for her recent work on updating financial policies. Great work 😊
- PCT - Thank you to the Shirley Wain, Michelle McMaster and all the budget coordinators for assisting in the development of the 2024 Master Budget. This year has been a longer process as new budget coordinators and classroom teachers build their knowledge, skills and practices in financial matters. We continue to support our staff to build their capacity at all levels from teaching and learning to operations.