Project Compassion

Sixth Sunday of Lent (Palm Sunday)


This year, we shared with you the story of three inspiring women from across the globe, who overcame challenges to complete their education, access water and find secure employment. With the support of compassionate people like you, they are now forging a path to a better future for their families and their communities. 

Ronita from the Philippines has now graduated high school and secured a job at a call centre. This job was only possible because of a certificate she gained from completing her studies. 

Leaia and her family now have a water tank at their home in Samoa. She and her family now have a steady supply of clean drinking water. Next year, they will also have a toilet built, with the support of Caritas Samoa, which will further improve their health and living conditions.

Memory completed her vocational training course in carpentry and joinery. After completing a work contract at one of the largest electrical companies in Malawi, Memory now plans to return to her village and provide carpentry services to people in her community. 

It’s through the generosity of people like you that we can continue to support people like Ronita, Leaia and Memory.

There is still time to donate! Together, we can help vulnerable communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow, for all future generations.

You can donate through Project Compassion donation boxes and envelopes available from the school or parish, by visiting or by calling 1800 024 413.