Message from 

the Principal

Message from the Principal

Dear Families,


As the term and semester draw to a close, it is time to celebrate our students' achievements. On Friday between 9 am and 10 am, we invite our family and friends to visit our classrooms and share our students' learning and work, chat with their teachers, and enjoy looking around the classrooms. The following week, the end-of-semester reports will be released via PAM. Please take the time to read your child's report, celebrate their successes, and chat about future learning goals and challenges. Learning Conversations will occur early in Term 3.


Thank you to Kim Carter and Gabby Walsh for their leadership while I was on long service leave. It is a sign of a strong team when things continue as normal when you are away.


This is the last newsletter for Term 2.  I wish you and your families a safe, relaxing, and fun holiday, and I look forward to seeing everyone again in Term 3.


New School Website

Please take a moment to have a look at our new school website.  It looks amazing!

St Therese's Social Media

The evidence is mounting that our children are not old enough for the challenges of social media, and the effect on their development and mental health is catastrophic. This is another great podcast to assist parents in navigating this landscape. Please take the time to listen.


It has come to our attention that some social media accounts have been created using St Therese's School name (e.g. TikTok). Please note that we are not associated with these accounts and have taken steps to report them - please do not follow or click on any links from these pages. 

The only official social media for St Therese's includes:

Online Behaviour

This topic is certainly gaining more media attention, and the impact of social media is becoming more apparent. 

For those who missed our online Safe on Social session for parents and carers, please take the time to watch the VIDEO RECORDING of our session. (click the link)

Please find links below for the following information sheets that will help you and your families continue this important conversation.

Grow in the Likeness of God Award.

Each fortnight, I will award a member (or three) from our community this award based on our theme for 2024:   Grow in the Likeness of God.

COVID and Other Illnesses 

We have seen a big increase in the number of students absent with illness in the past two weeks, including the number of notified cases of COVID.  Please continue to be vigilant in this space, testing and keeping your children at home when they are unwell. 

We appreciate your support in this area.