School Awards

Attendance, Student of the Week, Specialist, School Values Awards

Each week we celebrate the amazing achievements and successes of our students. These awards are an acknowledgement of their hard work, resilience and determination to do the very best they can!

The below students will receive their awards during next week's assembly.

Assembly will be held in the amphitheatre (weather permitting) or the BER gymnasium.


Attendance Awards

Attendance at school is pivotal to creating ongoing positive learning behaviours. Engaging in school every day provides the very best opportunity for a child's holistic development - social, physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional growth. The graph below represents all student absences.

Congratulations to Talented Tribe - 2N11 who will be receiving the 'Attendance Award' for having the highest attendance percentage for Term 2 Week 7.

Congratulations to Success Squad - 3P14 & Smarty Safari - 3S16 who will be receiving the 'Attendance Award' for having the highest attendance percentage for Term 2 Week 8.


Student Achievement Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student Achievement Award' award.

StudentHome GroupAwarded for
NoahRadiant Rockets - FR8For showing fantastic problem-solving skills and always approaching his learning with a positive attitude! Your determination and resilience is inspiring!
KhadijaPowerful Pockets - FP10For showing dedication and enthusiasm to practising her home reading! Khadija continues to grow and improve her reading skills. Well done Khadija!
MariamSuper Squad - 1P6For showing fantastic commitment and resilience to work hard during math lessons. It has been great to see you trying your best and making connections in your learning. You should be very proud of yourself.
LeviBunjil Bunch - 1L7For demonstrating resilience and dedication in all areas of learning. It was fantastic to witness your enthusiasm in completing your work. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the great work, Levi!
JaidenTalented Tribe - 2N11For demonstrating active listening skills during the Phormes sessions. It has been wonderful to watch you remember new spelling rules and apply these in your writing. I’m super proud of your efforts!
FlynnFantastic Force - 2W12For showing resilience and doing his personal best work. In writing you worked extremely hard to produce a story that contained a beginning middle and end. You chose a topic that you were passionate about and put in 100% effort. Keep up the great work!
JevaanSuccess Squad - 3P14For being a reflective learner who actively seeks and utilises feedback to enhance and extend the quality and depth of his work.
HunterSmarty Safari - 3S16Hunter's enthusiasm for our Discovery topic on sustainability shines through as he eagerly takes on the challenge of independent research. He's diving into complex concepts on his own, showing real initiative and drive. Well Done Hunter!
ImogenUnited Warriors - 4B13For increased efforts and positive mindset towards her learning. She has worked extremely hard whilst producing written pieces for her transactional booklet. Keep up the hard work! 
JayThe Knowledge Force - 4T15Producing a high-quality transactional writing portfolio piece. Jay has used the writing genre conventions of letter writing, emails, review writing, and leaflet design to produce high quality texts that effectively communicate to his audience information researched on the concept of Sustainability.
DanielEducated Adventurers - 5/6J17For showing great leadership and responsibility towards his learning by creating a detailed and visually appealing information report on his fictional country a high standard while supporting his peers to achieve the same high standard. Well done, Daniel!
Leo5/6W18 - Courageous CrocsFor showing excellent compassion when he saw one of our younger students upset. It was great to see you go and check on her and try to cheer her up. Well done, Leo!
LukeCreative Creatures - 5/6T20For always showing a great deal of leadership and resilience both in class and out of class. Upholding what is fair, doing his part for others, and always guiding others in their times of need.


Specialist Awards

Congratulations to the following students and classes who have received a 'Specialist' award. 


Hannah - The Knowledge Force - 4T15

Hannah, every week you are a consistent learner who always does her very best in every task. You always help out others with a kindness that never falters. As a strong performer, I can rely on you to lead others and include everyone in your learning. Thank you for everything you do. You’re a superstar!


Frankie - Success Squad - 3P14

For showing exceptional enthusiasm and commitment during our recent water experiment. His active involvement in testing various items for absorbency showed a keen interest in the scientific process. Congratulations! 


Ivy - Smarty Safari - 3S16

For her exceptional fairy wings she created for our school production. Her wings showcased her impressive painting skills, and her choice of colours was outstanding. Congratulations!


Lucas K - Success Squad - 3P14

For showing care and wonder when learning about the parts of a seed and how it develops into a plant.

Values Badges

Congratulations to the following students who will receive a value badge. Please note that these students will receive their badges at the next assembly dated 27th June as the forthcoming one is short. 


Sukhmeet 4T - Responsibility

Isaac 4T - Resilience

Mercedez 4T - Responsibility

Natalia 4B - Responsibility

Winston 4T - Relationships

Lucas C 3P - Responsibility

Bianca 4T - Responsibility

Lucas 5/6J - Responsibility

Luka 5/6W - Responsibility

Luke 5/6T - Responsibility

Jaxon 5/6W - Respect

Kravitz 5/6J - Respect

Madison 5/6W - Respect

Caitlyn 5/6 J - Relationships

A 5/6W - Relationships

Connor 5/6T - Relationships

Sabrina 5/6T - Resilience

Jaipreet 5/6T - Resilience

Dean 5/6W - Resilience

Aiden C 5/6J - Relationships

Will 5/6J - Relationships

Susanna 5/6W - Relationships