From the Heads of Secondary

You’re Invited - Christmas in July at Calrossy
Calrossy invites you to our Christmas in July Trivia Lunch on July 21at the Calrossy Brisbane Street Campus. This special event is not just an afternoon of fun and friendly competition, but an opportunity to make a real difference in our community.
We are thrilled to be partnering with Anglicare to provide Christmas Hampers to over 200+ local families in need. IN term 4 our students will be packing these hampers, but we need your help to make it happen.
All proceeds from the trivia lunch will go directly towards purchasing bulk goods for the hampers. This initiative is part of our service leadership program, teaching our students the value of community service and giving back.We encourage parents to join us in this meaningful project.
Tickets are $50 per person or $400 for a table of eight. Don’t miss out on this chance to enjoy a wonderful lunch, test your trivia skills, and support a great cause.
Get your tickets now and be part of spreading Christmas cheer in July!
From the Head of Middle School (Yrs 7 - 9)
For the past term, we have been having a focus on the William Cowper campus on keeping our grounds tidy and free from rubbish. It has been the habit of students to simply drop rubbish on the ground, even though there are bins stationed within a couple of meters of every picnic table. Like all poor habits, the students were often not even aware that they were doing it.
So we started a push to change this culture. I showed students photos of all the litter left lying around. I spoke in Assembly about thinking about who is going to pick up the rubbish that they drop. Our maintenance team do a wonderful job of maintaining our grounds and preparing for events; it is not their job to pick up litter that students have thoughtlessly dropped.
I challenged students with the words of Jesus, who says, “treat others the way you want to be treated”. While on duty, I would sometimes drop my lunch rubbish on the ground in front of students and ask if any would like to pick it up for me. Horrified stares! I would then pick it up myself and say, “Of course you don’t want to! So why should someone else pick up your rubbish?” I have removed the picnic tables for a couple of days of students who leave rubbish all over the ground under their tables. When they got them back, they did a much better job of keeping their areas clean.
And, ater all of this, I’m pleased to report that we have made huge progress! The grounds overall look so much better. It’s such a pleasure walk around our school and see that people have shown respect for our shared environment and for the people who serve us so well.
As a reward, I am going to announce in Assembly tomorrow that students may finish the term by wearing their P.E. uniforms to school on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week. I hope that the students see this as a direct result of them taking ownership of our grounds, and that they continue to keep up their effort in Term 3.
Now, there is still some work to be done: there are still students leaving orange peel and half-eaten apples on the ground. Please do reinforce at home that we are all citizens of this school and that we need to take responsibility for our own mess. I hope that, if we can keep this up for a longer time, it may change the culture and become a good habit to put our rubbish in the bin.
Sam Anderson
Head of Middle School (Calrossy 7-9)