From the Chaplain

Going Fishing…
I have a confession to make: I’ve never caught a fish. Not one.
There are some of you who’ll have that ‘experience’ (or lack of experience!) in common with me; though, having had the chance to chat about the joys of fishing with many in our Calrossy community over the last couple of years, I get the feeling that there aren’t that many fellow ‘non-catchers’ out there! With the mid-year school holiday almost with us, I’m hoping that many of you will have the chance to catch lots of cod, yellowbelly, or even trout – and also the chance to enjoy a meal of your catch, as my fishing friends have told me there are few things that taste as good as that!
It’s also true that I haven’t yet taken many opportunities to go fishing. I reckon that I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve cast a line into an ocean, lake or river; so my lack of fishing success isn’t really that surprising. High time for me to make time for that visit to Keepit or Chaffey Dams, or the Peel River!
For those of you who love to throw a line into the water – and who do so often, and successfully – what would be really surprising is the following scenario. Imagine you invited me to join you on an early morning fishing expedition. I accept, and we head off in the boat. Imagine that I then proceed to tell you exactly how you should set up the gear; what bait you should use; and when and where to cast your line. That wouldn’t only be surprising; it’d be pretty foolish as well. Compared to you, what would I know about fishing?
Maybe that’s how three experienced fishermen felt a couple of thousand years ago, when a wandering teacher came up to them one morning and asked them if they’d caught anything the night before. When they said, ‘No’, he told them to go out on the water again and let down their nets for a catch. ‘What does he know about fishing??’ they probably thought. Still, they do as he said – and make such a huge catch that their nets start to break! They’ve severely underestimated this Teacher; for, unlike me, He does know about fishing – and much, much more! – because He’s God.
Like those fishermen, lots of people still fall into the trap of underestimating Jesus and His power and importance to us. I really encourage you to not let that happen to you!
As we look ahead to the mid-year holidays, and then the next term that follows, please change your diary booking for the Term 3 Community Prayer Breakfast – which will now be held on Friday 9th August, 2024 (not Friday 2nd August, as has been listed in the School Calendar). The venue will still be Room 108 on the Brisbane Street Campus; the time will still be 7.30-8.15am. Look forward to seeing you there!