Student of the Week    

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts - Eric 5A for showing focus and perseverance in art. He has taken ownership of his artwork and clearly enjoys the creative process. He exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner” and is a great role model for his peers.

Congratulations Eric and well done!

Performing Arts - Shona 4B for demonstrating pride and integrity during her class performance of ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’. Well done for presenting accuracy of rhythm and pitch whilst being an enthusiastic learner of the Alto Xylophone. 

Chinese - Mason 5A for demonstrating great effort to write your invitation letter in Chinese character. You chose to do a challenging thing and you did a great job. You should feel proud of yourself! Keep it up!!!


LLI (Year 1) - Ashley 1A, you should feel very proud of the improvement you have made in Reading this Term. Keep up the great work, Ashley!


5A - Elizabeth for demonstrating exceptional effort within all areas of learning this term. You are a kind person, who respects others and treats others fairly, and consistently demonstrates the school values. Elizabeth, you are an incredible classmate, well done!

5B - Vishwak for displaying persistence and making sure his work is completed to a high standard. He never gives up and always stays focused on his goals. Demonstrating a positive mindset, Vishwak takes onboard feedback as a chance to learn and grow. His ability to reflect and willingness to improve are wonderful qualities. Well done Vishwak! Keep up your excellent efforts!


4A - Jena for displaying such persistence to make sure her work is completed to a very high standard. She never gives up and always stays focused on her goals. Demonstrating a positive mindset, Jena takes onboard feedback as a chance to learn and grow. Her ability to reflect and willingness to improve are wonderful qualities. Well done Jena! Keep up your excellent efforts!

4B - Diana for showing our school value of Integrity. Even though tasks may seem difficult, she asks for help and keeps trying. I’m very proud of your efforts Diana, keep it up!

4C - Semaet for showing our school values of integrity and resilience. You engaged in all learning tasks and dedicated your effort in practising and improving your skills. Keep up the fantastic work, Semaet!


3A - Anthony for being a considerate, kind and persistent member of our class. He treats his peers and teacher with kindness, and always perseveres through tasks. Excellent work, Anthony!

3B - Sophia for showing such great enthusiasm for learning new things during our excursion this week. It was awesome to see you engaged and happy exploring everything that Scienceworks had to offer, and even participating in a demonstration about space! Great work, Sophia!

3C Elissa for being a respectful and caring class member and consistently demonstrating the school values. Keep up the fantastic work, Elissa!


2A - Precious for always being a kind and thoughtful member of the class and pushing herself to learn new skills and concepts. Keep up the great work!

- Coen for sharing his interesting and engaging ideas and vocabulary during writing sessions and editing his work to make sure he has capitals at the beginning of each sentence. 

2B - Rishanika for displaying our Deer Park west Values and being a role model to her peers also for all her efforts with her learning. Keep up the fantastic work.

2C -  Kyvaan for his amazing efforts in writing this week. He worked so well to create an interesting and informative piece of writing. Keep up the fantastic work, Kyvaan!


1A - Isla for demonstrating our school value of pride when publishing her information report this week. Keep up the great effort Isla! 

1B -  Dion - for continuously demonstrating the school values of Resilience and Pride when writing and publishing her information report to a high standard this week. Dion worked hard to include ‘wow words’, punctuation and neat handwriting. Well done Dion!


FA - Ellie for demonstrating the school value of Pride. Ellie always takes care with the presentation of her work. Well done! 

FB - Jiya for demonstrating resilience. In Reading, she persisted to read CVC by stretching out the sounds. In Writing, Jiya persisted to label her picture even when it was challenging. Keep it up Jiya!


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: 

FB - Jiya for demonstrating resilience. In Reading, she persisted to read CVC by stretching out the sounds. In Writing, Jiya persisted to label her picture even when it was challenging. Keep it up Jiya!


Upper primary: 

5B - Vishwak for displaying persistence and making sure his work is completed to a high standard. He never gives up and always stays focused on his goals. Demonstrating a positive mindset, Vishwak takes onboard feedback as a chance to learn and grow. His ability to reflect and willingness to improve are wonderful qualities. Well done Vishwak! Keep up your excellent efforts!