Acting Assistant Principal Reports
Sharon Rogers/Spira Antonopoulos
Acting Assistant Principal Reports
Sharon Rogers/Spira Antonopoulos
This week’s challenge is something different. Twenty-Four aliens have landed on Earth and each on has different hair, eye, nose and mouth colours. Each of these aliens brings a letter with them that spells out a secret message. Can you use the table on the right hand side of the image to crack the alien code? You will need to check each of the aliens carefully to be able to reveal their secret message.
Once you have cracked the Alien code, bring your sheet to the ‘Challenge’ box in the corridor by recess on Wednesday. Each student will receive a PAC card for taking up the challenge.
Well done to the students below who completed the Sudoku challenge last week, you will receive a PAC for your hard work.
Emily 1A (& mum)
Andrew 3A (& mum)
Sabrina 3C (& mum)
Kind regards,
Sharon Rogers
Acting Assistant Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been a busy term with one week to go! This last week we had Celebration of Learning with a Writing focus, Year 5 Camp along with more Kindergarten visits. Teachers have been writing reports and are looking forward to seeing parents on Tuesday 25th June for Parent Teacher Conferences.
Celebration of Learning
Last Thursday 13th June, we welcomed parents and families into classrooms to celebrate our Writing units. Our students always enjoy sharing their term accomplishments with parents and we also enjoy welcoming parents and families into our classrooms. We sincerely thank you for your continued support.
I was privileged to attend the Year 5 Camp on Monday and Tuesday. We attended Campaspe Downs Camp where the Year 5 students participated in many activities such as, rock climbing, laser tag, archery, possum glider (like a giant swing) and a camp fire (with songs, stories and roasting marshmallows!). I am confident that this camp experience was enjoyed by all students.
Kinder visits
Our connection with our local Kindergartens continues. This week we have welcomed DPW Kindergarten to utilise our school library. Students enjoyed a story or two in our lovely library.
Many thanks,
Spira Antonopoulos
Acting Assistant Principal