Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Page

New England Primary Cluster Student Engagement and Cultural Learning Day
Engagement and Cultural Learning Workshop for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Years 3-6 is scheduled for Friday 14th of June at the Cooramah Cultural Centre, Glen Innes. Our Aboriginal Education Assistants & Mrs Walters will accompany 19 of our students to Glen Innes next Friday.
Message Stick Arrives Monday 17th June
The Message Stick for the Catholic School NSW Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education conference will be coming to our parish and school on Monday 17th June. It will travel to each parish and school community from Term 1 to Term 4, concluding its journey at the Tamworth Regional Entertainment & Conference Centre for the conference in October.
The message stick will be handed over to the host of the Catholic Schools NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Conference, with the Armidale Diocese set to host the significant educational gathering from October 22nd to October 24th, 2024.
The Message Stick will travel across the diocese spreading the message of this year's conference theme: “Spirit on Country: Learning Together, then, now & always”.
The school will be holding an Assembly at 8:50 am on the 17th June in the School Hall. All Parents & Friends are welcome to attend this special assembly.
Koori Gala Day 2024
Tamworth Koori Gala Day is on Sunday 25th August 2024.
We would love for you to join us for a family fun day of netball that brings the community together.
This Koori Gala Day can assist teams with training and preparation for the Koori Netball Tournament (in October at Charlestown).
The day also provides an opportunity for Netball NSW to invite selected athletes, coaches and umpires to the First Nations Emerging Talent camp held at Netball Central later this year. Additionally, attached is a flyer for the Northern Inland Academy of Sport UAA Indigenous Talent Identification Day in Armidale scheduled for June.
Divisions available to enter:
10-12 years Girls/Mixed/Boys
13-15 years Girls/Mixed
Opens Women/Mixed
Team entry is $40 per team, players do NOT have to be registered with Netball NSW.
Each team supplies their own umpire.
Tell your friends and get your teams together. We can’t wait to see you on the court!
Follow the link to register your team today at https://www.playhq.com/netball-australia/register/e84b83
Kind Regards,
Lauren SmartRegional Manager – North West | Netball NSW