School News


We’re skipping through the term!


Jump Rope for Heart is well underway and it’s great to see so many children out in the playground skipping with smiles on their faces. 


Eglinton has already raised $6815.


It’s not long until our Jump Off Day on Friday 5th July so keep on practicing those tricks! Students are encouraged to wear red to school on this day. 


Don’t forget to share your online fundraising page with friends and family to raise money for a great cause!


Still need to sign up online? It’s easy just follow this link and enter your details at


Nicole Burden

Assistant Principal



9.20 - 10.30Class Lessons
10.30 - 10.40Crunch 'n' Sip
10.40 - 11.40Class Lessons
11.40 - 12.30Lunch
12.30 - 2.00Class Lessons
2.00 - 2.25Recess
2.25 - 3.25Class Lessons