Principal's Message

Thank you for another terrific term of support.
It has been 11 weeks of excellent learning and experiences this term. From the visit by Essendon Bombers players to the numerous sporting events to a massive wor to the outstanding STEM incursion, it has been a busy term. On behalf of the staff here at Bolinda Primary School, we thank you for being there every step of the way, ensuring our children are getting the best out of their education. We look forward to seeing you back at Bolinda Primary School on Tuesday, July 16. Enjoy the time with your family.
Staffing for Term 3
We are very excited to announce that staffing has been finalised for Term 3.
Donna will be with us until the end of the year, sharing her wealth of knowledge and providing excellent support to our students.
Amy joins us for Term 3 and will be supporting our students in and out of the classroom. As someone who understands the culture of our school and already knows the children, Amy is a fantastic addition to our team.
Juliarna has been appointed as our Student Wellbeing Officer for at least the rest of the year. With extensive experience as a speech therapist, student support officer, and college dean, as well as being a local, she brings valuable insights to our students.
Koopa's Birthday Party Celebrations
Today was an action-packed and exciting day, filled with a mountain of fun for the children. We began with a quiet movie in the classrooms before moving into the 5/6 classroom for a bunch of doggy party games. The highlight was seeing the older children taking the younger ones under their wings, ensuring everyone got a turn in the games.
After the games, while the party food was cooking, we had a disco where the children put on their dancing shoes and moved and grooved. Then came the most important part: singing happy birthday to Koopa and sharing the amazing cake. Koopa was constantly on the move throughout the entire party, and I only managed to get one good photo of him as he was busy playing with the balloons.
This day could not have happened without Ms Rapetti's tireless planning and cooking, the P/1/2 students' help with cooking, and the parent helpers who ensured the kids were well-fed.
Curriculum Day
A reminder that the first day of Term 2 is Tuesday, July 16. The teachers will be spending Monday, July 15, focusing on student wellbeing.
Bunnings BBQ
All the funds we raise will go towards helping to subsidise the costs of the Year 3 - 6 camp and paying for a special event for our P - 2 students while the older kids are away at camp.
We need your help to make this happen! It was brilliant to see everyone come together for the working bee recently, and our PFA is hoping to count on you again. We’re looking for volunteers to help out in 2-hour shifts at the BBQ.
We have spots needing to be filled:
8am - 10am (1 spot)
10am - 12pm (2 spots)
12pm - 2pm (3 spots)
Please let me know if you can help on the day. If we do not have enough volunteers on the day, we will be required to cancel.
Ranges Music Network Term 3
The team at Ranges Music Network continues to offer music lessons at Bolinda Primary School, check out there page on the newsletter for the latest they've got to offer for Term 3.
Junior School Council
This week, I had the pleasure of meeting with the Junior School Council to discuss ways to enhance the student experience at Bolinda Primary School. The students were enthusiastic and full of great ideas. They expressed a strong desire to organise a food drive for the foodbank in Romsey, showing their commitment to helping the community. They also suggested gathering ideas from other students to ensure everyone has a voice in making our school even better. With all these exciting initiatives, Term 3 is shaping up to be quite eventful.
Sausage Sizzle Lunch
The PFA (Parents and Friends Association) did a marvellous job organising a free sausage sizzle lunch for the entire school on 21 June. Students couldn't get enough of the sausages, and given the chilly weather, they were the perfect treat to enjoy. A big thank you goes out to everyone who donated money to go towards purchasing bread, as well as our amazing PFA for their hard work and dedication in making this event such a great success.
Community Raffle
A huge thank you to Kylie and Krystal who represented Bolinda Primary School at The 1860 Hotel in Romsey on June 15. We were chosen to be the representatives of the community raffle and because of the efforts of Kylie and Krystal, $237 was donated to the school. This will go towards a VERY exciting project for the children to be even more active at break times.
2/3/4 STEM
This week, I had the privilege of being invited to watch the amazing presentations from the Year 2/3/4 class. The students have been using Makey-Makeys to create informational posters that were interactive. Students coded the posters so that when you touch a pin, a sound recording plays, explaining various pieces of information. Topics ranged from cars to Taylor Swift and even pugs. It was impressive to see their creativity and technical skills in action!