What's Happening in Specialist Classes

Please find a What's Happening for each of our specialist subjects; Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Environmental Science and Sustainability, Japanese and Physical Education and Sport, for Term 3 below.
Visual Art
Welcome back to Term 3 in Visual Art!
To begin this term and to coincide with the Olympics being hosted by France, students in Prep to Year 2 will explore the works of famous French artists such as Henri Matisse (Prep), Claude Monet (Year 1) and Henri Rousseau (Year 2). Students in Years 3-5 will be exploring the concept of movement in sports and 3D figures (linked to the Olympics) through a variety of art mediums such as printmaking (Year 3 & 4) and wire sculptures (Year 5). Students in Year 6 have begun working on props for their musical in Term 4 – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which are already looking fabulous and almost good enough to eat!
This term in Visual Art
This term the students will…
Prep |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
A selection of student artworks are now on display at the Beaumaris Bayside Library. Created during Term 2, the Year 2 students were asked to choose a location in the world which is special to them. Using Google maps on an iPad, students drew their special place from a bird’s eye view perspective and then used line, colour and pattern to bring their artwork to life. Artworks can be found in the Children’s end of the library near the picture story books, and will be on display until the middle of Term 3
The art room is currently accepting donations of large cardboard rolls or tubes. These may be from leftover wrapping paper rolls or larger rolls of fabric/paper. Please no toilet paper or paper towel rolls, as these are too small for this project. Please drop off at the art room anytime. Thank you 😊.
Please ensure your child has a NAMED art smock. Art smocks remain in a basket in each classroom and brought to the art room each week for their lesson. If your child does not have an art smock, they can be purchased via Primary School Wear. https://www.psw.com.au/schools/beaumaris-primary-school.html Alternatively, art smocks can also be purchased from Kmart, Target, Big W, any craft store… Or even an old oversized shirt from home is fine too!
Performing Arts
Welcome back to Performing Arts for Term 3!
The two main focusses for this term in all Prep to Year 5 classes will be singing and dance. Our Year 6 classes will be busy preparing for their Year 6 production 'Charlie & the Chocolate Factory'.
Prep – Year 2
Students will learn and rehearse a variety of songs from other cultures as well as Australian folk songs. We will look at form such as verse, chorus, verse and also use lyrics to recognize rhyming words and syllables. Individual performances in front of their peers will be encouraged in order to continue to build confidence. We will accompany songs with simple rhythmic and melodic accompaniments, on both tuned and untuned percussion instruments. The dance component will look at formal and informal dance, exploring both gross and fine motor movements, focusing on beat and rhythm. Listening to a variety of music styles, students will engage in both creative and structured/choreographed dance sequences. Props such as ribbons and scarves will also be used.
Year 3 – Year 5
Students will sing a variety of songs from a selection of eras, genres and cultures. They will choose some songs while also being introduced to some ‘classics’ such as The Beatles and Queen. They will examine reasons for dance and discuss cultural contexts, including First Nation traditions. They will compare dance styles from various cultures and decades, looking at similarities and differences in both music and movements. Listening to a variety of music styles, students will engage in both creative and structured/choreographed dance sequences. Students will further develop their sense of beat and rhythm as well as learning different style routines such as Hip Hop.
Year 6
This year’s production of “Charlie & the Chocolate Factory” is the focus for Term 3, with two performance evenings being held in Week 2 of Term 4. Rehearsals are well under way with all students involved and appearing on stage several times throughout the show. Teachers conducted over 70 individual auditions to choose two casts of principal roles, dancers and back up singers. We were all astonished by the level of talent in the cohort!
Some of our main roles will be performed by: Isabel Wilkins (Charlie), Java Barlow (Charlie), Amelia Kavanagh (Willy Wonka), Owen Marshall (Willie Wonka), Nathan Volum (Grandpa Jo) and Jack Van Vuuren (Grandpa Jo). This show is the Broadway version and contains over 20 musical items including the well-known ‘Candy Man’ & ‘I’ve Got a Golden Ticket’. We will be on the look out for assistance with some sewing, prop making & collecting and other jobs as the term progresses. Keep your eyes peeled on Compass as any assistance will be greatly appreciated and will help make the 2024 production fantastic!
Environmental Science & Sustainability
What’s been happening in Environmental Science & Sustainability
The students from Prep to Year 6 all learned a lot during the second term studying “Water” in Environmental Science and Sustainability. Prep to Year 3 students were particularly excited during the second half of the term to have our new chickens arrive at school. They were all very well behaved when interacting with the chickens and super excited to find some eggs in the last week or two. Year 4 to Year 6 students have been learning about our sewerage system and the Melbourne Water Treatment Plant. While they talked me out of taking them there on an excursion 😊, they increased their knowledge of recycled water and the treatment process to create it. The Year 5 Biodiversity Team continued their work in the garden and are looking forward to Spring planting early this term. All students in Years 4 – 6 have created high quality, informative work pieces showcasing their learning. Overall, Term 2 was another wonderful term’s work by all!
What will be happening this term in Environmental Science & Sustainability
We will continue to weave Waste and Water through our learning, and this term Energy will be our main theme. All year levels will be exploring ways to reduce our footprint, particularly in the area of energy consumption, and learning about existing energy sources and the gradual expansion of renewables.
We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress and once again welcome families to share any ideas/products/habits for including in our Environmental Science room and fortnightly newsletter.
During Term 3 the students will participate in Schools Tree Day, taking part in the planting of 600 trees and shrubs around our school grounds. We will be inviting families, friends and community members to join us on Friday 6th September and take part in the planting to “green up” our school conclude our project with our grant from the Victorian School Garden Program. On the same day, all Year 3 students and teachers will be participating in a free incursion; 3 Ways to Start a Garden, run by the Victorian Schools Garden Program.
The Prep students will be learning about kinetic and potential energy and exploring these concepts through real life experiences, while experimenting with different light sources. They will also focus on building their understanding of renewable energy and caring for our planet, as well as conducting experiments to explore using solar energy in different ways. Saving energy will also be a focus of their learning.
Year 1
The Year 1 students will be learning about kinetic and potential energy and exploring these concepts through real life experiences, while experimenting with different light sources. They will also focus on building their understanding of renewable energy and caring for our planet, as well as conducting experiments to explore using solar energy in different ways. Saving energy will also be a focus of their learning.
Year 2
The Year 2 students will be learning about kinetic and potential energy and will demonstrate the difference between these concepts through real life activities and experiments, using PE equipment, building ramps and actively participating themselves. This will include exploring what happens when potential energy is converted to kinetic energy and what happens when kinetic energy is transferred through objects. They will also focus on building their understanding of renewable energy and caring for our planet, in comparison to the use of fossil fuels, as well as conducting experiments to explore using solar energy in different ways. Saving energy will also be a focus of their learning.
Year 3
The Year 3 students will increase their understanding of various types of kinetic and potential energy through first hand physical experiences as well as working with a variety of materials and energy sources. This will include exploring what happens when potential energy is converted to kinetic energy and what happens when kinetic energy is transferred through objects. They will experiment with and identify different sources of light as part of their learning about renewable energy and a variety of ways to generate it. They will compare the use and impact of fossil fuels as a source of energy with that of renewables, and explore ways to sustain solar energy. Most exciting of all, they will watch the BTN Solar Car Challenge and design their own solar powered car.
Year 4
The Year 4 students will increase their understanding of various types of kinetic and potential energy through first hand physical experiences as well as working with a variety of materials and energy sources. They will experiment with and identify different sources of light and examine light and heat energy as part of their learning about renewable energy and a variety of ways to generate it. They will compare the use and impact of fossil fuels as a source of energy with that of renewables, and explore ways to sustain solar energy. Students will also build an understanding of climate change and how what we do impacts our environment, including the increased risk of extreme weather patterns such as cyclones, bushfires, droughts and floods.
Years 5 & 6
The Year 5 & 6 students students will increase their understanding of various types of kinetic and potential energy through working with a variety of materials and energy sources. They will research and explore the benefits and negative impacts of use of fossil fuels and the generation of renewable sources of energy, including the production of carbon and its relationship with climate change. They will create electrical circuits, exploring how they work, and how electricity is transferred around circuits and grids to make things work as well as exploring electromagnetic fields and conductors. To end the term the students will explore “solar energy cooking” to see if they can melt chocolate in their foil covered pizza box by generating enough heat from the sun.
Upcoming Events
6th September - Schools Tree Day
26th July - Year 3 incursion 3 Ways to Start a Garden, run by the Victorian Schools Garden Program.
Welcome back to Term 3 in Japanese!
This term, we will celebrate the Tanabata (star/ wish) festival. During Tanabata, the students will celebrate by writing their wishes on colourful strips of paper called tanzaku. These wishes can be for anything, from personal dreams to hopes for peace and happiness. The tanzaku are then hung around the school. Good luck everyone!
This term in Japanese:
Prep | The student's will continue to build on their Japanese cultural and language experiences by learning about the Tanabata festival, and shichi, go, san festival (7, 5, 3 festival). They will continue to work on recognising and writing their names in Katakana, counting, reading and writing numbers in Japanese. They will also participate in guided group activities such as games, stories and origami activities, and build on language skills to answer Sensei questions with 'hai, iie' (yes and no) regarding preferences for animals and colours. |
Year 1 | The student's will learn how to read some hiragana characters and begin to read hiragana mini books series 1. The students will participate in story creation using only Japanese during this time. They will also look at traditional Japanese sports and compare to sports we play and what is occurring in the Olympics. |
Year 2 | The students will revise series 1 mini books and begin to read series 2 mini books. Students will work in pairs to help each other with reading and complete writing using the correct stroke order. Students will also create stories together in the class and continue with routines of asking how someone is, what the weather’s like and the date. The students will look at the major landmarks and cities of Japan as well as festivals and cultural events. |
Year 3 | The students will continue writing hiragana characters using the correct stroke order and start to read hiragana mini books series 3. Students will participate in taisetsuna hito (special person) interviews where we will find out more about each other only using Japanese. The students will talk about sports they like and dislike. We will discuss how to say different country names during the Olympics. |
Year 4 | The students will revise series 1-3 hiragana mini books and start to read series 4, playing attention to the stroke order of characters. Students will continue with ikana each lesson and towards the end of the term, participate in a furoshiki workshop, which they will make in art. Furoshiki is a wrapping cloth used in Japan. |
Year 5 | The students will create stories and participate in special person interviews using only Japanese language. Each week, we will try and improve the time we can speak each week. Students will continue reading of hiragana and katakana using the ikana app and relate this to more completed words by reading series 5 hiragana mini books. Students will upload their reading to Seesaw. |
Year 6 | The students will continue to work on their belts. This term, they will work on their orange, green and blue. This will encompass telling the weather today, tomorrow and yesterday, writing and saying the days of the week, completing role plays situations in the classroom, reading hiragana mini books, making origami tsuru, singing a Japanese song, creating sentences about family using a variety of adjectives, writing and saying numbers from 1-00, writing the seasons in Kanji and naming a variety of Japanese sports. |
Japanese at Home
All students have an account on Language Nut. It is a program that is used in class but can also be used at home for those that would like to continue to practise Japanese. If you would like your child's log on details, please ask your child's class teacher who can pass them on.
We get to compete with other schools around the world which is very exciting.
Physical Education and Sport
Welcome back to Term 3 in Physical Education and Sport!
Term 3 includes our indoor focus on rhythmic and expressive movements in gymnastics and developing the fundamental movements of landings, locomotion, springs, rotations and holding static positions. Another indoor focus will be skipping. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately in layers for jumping and tumbling! We are indoors in the hall with minimal heating.
Our House Athletics carnival (Years 4-6) is booked for Tuesday 13th August at Sandringham Athletics Track. Students will be conducting training in technique and rules during the sport allocation on Fridays to prepare for this event. The athletics events are high jump, long jump, triple jump, discus, shotput, 100m, 200m, 800m and 1500m running and 80m hurdles. Our most successful competitors will compete at the District Athletics event on Tuesday September 17th. Please consider whether you might be available to help on the day of our House athletics as we need many helpers to get 250 students through all of the athletics events.
After the House Athletics the students will focus on game play and tactics in a range of Winter and Summer sports. We have teams that have qualified for Division Days in Basketball and Hotshots Tennis, these will take place in Term 4.
This term in Physical Education and Sport
This term, the Prep students will... | |
Week 1 & 2 |
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10, 11 |
This term, the Year 1 students will... | |
Week 1 & 2 |
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10, 11 |
This term, the Year 2 students will... | |
Week 1 & 2 |
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10, 11 |
This term, the Year 3 students will... | |
Week 1 & 2 |
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10, 11 |
This term, the Year 4 students will... | |
Week 1 & 2 |
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10, 11 |
This term, the Year 5 students will... | |
Week 1 & 2 |
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10, 11 |
This term, the Year 6 students will... | |
Week 1 & 2 |
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10, 11 |
18 June -State Cross Country
29 June -Division Hockey
30 June -Division Teeball
13 August -House Athletics
17 September -District Athletics