Important Dates

Add these to your calendar! 

Remember to like & follow us on Facebook  


Please ensure that all student absences are reported to the school office prior to 9am on the day they are absent. 


This can be done by:


Please note second-hand uniform can be purchased from the office for $5 a piece. Thank you to the families that have been so kind with donations this year! 

Tuesday, 11th June 

BioCats - Grade 5/6 JO, 5/6GR & SC2

Prep Parents Social Night 

Friday, 14th June Prep - 2 Assembly
Monday, 17th June BioCats - Grade 5/6 BB & JA 
Tuesday, 18th June Grade 3/4 Parents Social Night 
Wednesday, 19th June Regional Soccer 
Friday, 21st June 

No Assembly

Regional Netball 

Reports sent home 

Monday, 24th June 

Parent Teacher Interviews (4 - 6pm) 

BioCats Grade 5/6 JM & BW 

Wednesday, 26th June 

Parent Teacher Interviews (1pm Finish) 

Regional AFL 

Thursday, 27th June Grade 2 Robot Expo 
Friday, 28th June 

Whole School Assembly 

End of Term - 2:30pm dismissal 

Term 2 Family Event Calendar

Term Dates

Term 2, 202415 April - 28 June
Term 3, 202415 July - 20 September
Term 4, 20247 October - 20 December