Year 5/6

The 5/6 team certainly hit the ground running for the start of Term 3 as we had out Lego Robotics Excursion on day 2! It was a lovely way to ease back into a new term and was a very fun, hands on and challenging day for us all. We learnt how to use a computer program to give instructions to our robots. We practised making it move forwards, backwards, turn around and move its arms up and down. We then took on the main challenge of a space or town setting where students worked in pairs to complete a set of challenges to earn points. It took determination, problem solving skills and teamwork to complete the tasks, with many teams experiencing success.
We then had the Sticks and Stones incursion which taught us about dealing with difficult conversations and strategies for when we feel angry when interacting with our friends. We have been building on this in our wellbeing sessions in class. Year 6’s are busily planning the Year 6 Day for the end of the year as well as preparing to assist with our LPS Mini Olympics coming up in Week 4. Year 5’s have been working on writing letters to people we admire and haing courageous conversations.
During NAIDOC Week, we learned about many different topics regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, we learned about the history of NAIDOC Week, cultural burning, storytelling and community initiatives. We all absorbed so much information of this rich history.
We have immersed ourselves in our novel for Term 3, Us Mob Walawarru, a story about the life of a young Aboriginal girl and her culture, using our prior knowledge as well as building on new understandings. We are linking this in with our writing unit, creating a factual recount about the 1967 referendum.
During Reading we have been working on talking with a partner, answering questions verbally and writing our thoughts to show understanding of what we have read, focusing on the RACE response startegy. In Writing we are building up our sentence level writing using adverbial phrases, identifying dependent and independent clauses to make our sentences more detailed and engaging. We have also been using the who, what, when, where, how and why supports to structure our writing.
In maths we have been learning about time. We converted 12 and 24 hour time and completed activities around elapsed time. We also had a class ‘minute to win it’ game with lots of tasks to complete in one minute. It really isn’t a long time to complete some tasks!!
We are also learning about area and perimeter, finding side lengths when given totals, as well as learning to find area and perimeter of triangles, parallelograms and even circles! We completed a design project to create a proposal for a new zoo where we had to decide on the animals, plan the layout and present our design to the class. It was great to see students working well together to come up with some fantastic ideas while building on their area and perimeter knowledge.