Year 1/2

Fantastic Frogs
Students participated in an interactive, virtual incursion called Fabulous Frogs. Students had a blast as they learned and sang songs, played games and performed role-plays. We covered the topics of frog adaptations, body parts, life cycle stages, camouflage and metamorphosis. Students learned many interesting facts about these remarkable creatures. Did you know that frogs drink water through their skin, and when faced with a predator, they can squirt stored water out of their bodies to startle their foe?
Maths - Time
Over the past few weeks students have been learning about time. We have explored measuring time, identifying the duration of different events as well as ordering days, months and seasons. Students have built their understanding of the different clock faces (analog and digital) to be able to read the time shown. Students have participated in a variety of activities to build their knowledge of time such as modelling a given time on a clock, making a clock using a hula hoop and drawing a certain time on an analog clock. At home, to build their exposure to clocks and time, you may like to have students identify the different clock faces in your house and have them read the time to you. You could also encourage their recognition of days and months by asking them what day/month is it now? What day/month will it be next? There are also some great songs for them to listen to practise ordering the days and months.
Olympic Torch
On Tuesday we had the honour of witnessing a true legend in our school. Eliza and Angus' Dad, Ross, was fortunate to be part of the Olympic torch relay for the 2000 Sydney Olympics. They presented the amazing torch to us and we learnt the meaning and symbolism behind it. The blue symbolises the water, the white symbolises the land and the flame symbolises the fire. It is also in a curved shape representing the formation of a boomerang. When you turn the torch on the side it also looks like the Sydney Opera house. We want to thank the Moloney family for taking the time to share this very special event with us.