In the first week of this term 12J, 12C and 12N completed their final session of cooking, making fresh pasta with a broccoli carbonara, rhubarb muffins and lavosh bread. We all learnt about the safe way to use a sharp knife including the knife rules in SAKG and the three knife holds; bear claw, rock and chop and the bridge. Some students completed some guided cutting to test their skills.
The Prep classes commenced SAKG during week two.
In the garden we; planted garlic in the garden, planted pea and broad bean seeds in egg trays to germinate in the classrooms, raked leaves to add to the compost, built slug traps using soy sauce liquid in tins and harvested potatoes.
In the kitchen we made, Alphabet Grissini to create the first letter of our name, served with fresh hummus. In the second session we made bread rolls baked in terracotta pots, served with tzatziki. We used herbs and seeds to decorate our bread.