Engagement & Wellbeing

School Disco - Friday 26 July
Save the Date!
The excitement is building as we prepare for our 2024 school disco on Friday 26 July! Our event last year was another massive hit and a highlight of the year for many students. We're looking forward to another wonderful night in 2024!
Please keep on Compass as all the details will be sent out soon!
- RSVP via Compass is required to attend
- $5 entry (paid via QKR prior to the night)
- Snacks & drinks will be available to purchase on the night
- Junior (P-2) Disco 4 - 5pm
- Senior (3-6) Disco 5.15 - 6.15pm
- Absolutely no phones or devices to be brought along
We are seeking some parent volunteers to assist at the kiosk for each disco. Please click the link and sign up here if you are able to help out!
Parking Around the School
We respectfully remind all parents and carers to show kindness and patience around school drop off and pick up times. The start and end of the school day, in particular, are an especially busy time for parking around our school. It is important that everyone is following the road rules, signage and parking in a manner that is safe.
We encourage families who have children crossing the road to do so safely with adult assistance. We also encourage all students to use the crossings at Warrenheip & Learmonth Streets to safely navigate across those busy roads.
We are aware that several families rely on the disabled car parking bays and remind everyone that two additional disabled parking bays are located in the staff car park. Members of the public are welcome to utilise the disabled bays only in the staff car park should they be required.
However, please do not use the staff car park for general parking at pick up and drop off times.
We are fortunate to have many accessible roads around our school and are very well placed compared to other schools in terms of parking. Please consider parking and walking a little further to help ease traffic congestion and ensure pedestrian safety, particularly on Simpson St (front of the school).
Buninyong Autism Network
Happy Holidays!
Wishing everyone a relaxing, safe and enjoyable holiday break. We look forward to seeing you all back at the start of term 3.