Base 1270

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of Term 2 already! It seems like only yesterday that we were running our last Vacation Care program.
Attached to the Newsletter is a copy of our Program for the upcoming school holidays.
Please note that our excursion on Thursday 4th July is almost full, less than 10 places remain, so if you would like to book in you will need to submit your booking request now! Unfortunately, we cannot take more that 45 students with us.
If you would like your child to attend Vacation Care but they are not enrolled with us, you can enroll them by clicking the link below. Once we receive enrolment confirmation, we will be in touch to arrange an orientation. Every student must attend an orientation before they can be booked in for any sessions at Base 1270.
Bookings for Vacation Care will close at 6:00pm on Friday 28th June.
We cannot wait to have a fantastic time with you all at our Winter Vacation Care Program!