News From Mr Smith

Dear School Community Members,


It is hard to believe that we are at the halfway mark of the 2024 school year! This provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the achievements our students have accomplished this semester, as well as ensure they are well placed to achieve their learning goals for term 3. I encourage each family to utilise the student report and Parent-Teacher Discussions to formally celebrate the achievements, and opportunities for improvement with your child/ren. 


Thank you to all students, staff and families for your contribution to Term 2 being so productive and focussed on our core business of maximising learning outcomes and the wellbeing for each student. All of our students have had the opportunity to engage in a host of educational, cultural, social and sporting activities to enjoy over the last 11 weeks. It is a privilege to experience and enjoy each student’s successes in a range of diverse activities.


Parent Teacher Discussions: Thank you to our families who have ‘booked’ a Parent Teacher Discussion for today. We have almost 90% of our family’s ‘book’ and this highlights the healthy ‘Home-School Partnership’ embedded here at Mano. These discussions compliment the Student Report Cards that were distributed last Friday.


Unleashing Potential Awards – Term 2: Congratulations to the following students on receiving the Term 2 Unleashing potential award:


Prep               Misty Rosales (Prep D) 

Grade 1         Oliver Phelan-Cooper (1B)

Grade 2         Isabella Betts (2B)

Grade 3         Finn Rahles-Rahbula (3G)

Grade 4         Jace Veale (4F)

Grade 5         Lexi Cowdell (5R)

Grade 6         Thomas Woollard (6O)


Book Fair:Earlier this term we held our annual Book Fair during Education Week. Thank you to our school community for supporting this. We sold over $8,000 worth of books and this means we have $1,800 to purchase new library books. 

We would like to thank Priscilla Clark, Lisa Charter, Julie Rickard, Mardi Kingston, Megan Wigglesworth, Melissa Nikolic and Rhonda Coffey for their support with this year’s Book Fair. 


Term 2 Social Service Activity: As communicated, our Term 2 Social Service is:

Date:                     Friday, 28th June (tomorrow)

Charity:                Andrew Love Cancer Centre  

Donation:            Gold coin

Students and staff are invited to come to school dressed in their favourite ‘movie character’!  Please see poster in this edition of the newsletter for further information. 


End of Term Arrangements: Tomorrow is the last day of term 2. Please note, students will be dismissed from school at 2:30pm. After School Care will begin at 2:30pm. Term 3 will commence on Monday, 15th July.


Have a great holiday and we look forward to an exciting term 3!


Christian Smith