
Konnichi wa!
Prep students have continued to practice counting from 1-10 in Japanese this term and matching up the kanji characters to the matching numbers.
1. 一 いち (ichI)
2. 二 に (ni)
3. 三 さん (san)
4. 四 よん (yon)
5. 五 ご (go)
6. 六 ろく (roku)
7. 七 なな (nana)
8. 八 はち (hachi)
9. 九 きゅう (kyuu)
10. 十 じゅう (juu)
They have also been introduced to the first 11 hiragana characters. Hiragana are one of three writing systems used in Japan. They are similar to the English alphabet and each character represents a sound. Students have been learning picture stories to help them to remember each of the characters. Prep students have been learning the one-stroke hiragana characters:
く(ku)、し(shi)、そ(so)、つ(tsu)、て(te)、の(no)、ひ(hi)、へ(he)、る(ru)、ろ(ro) and ん(n)
Grade One
Grade One students this term have been continuing to practice learning their two-stroke hiragana characters:
い(i)、う(u)、え(e)、こ(ko)、す(su)、ち(chi)、と(to)、ぬ(nu)、ね(ne)、み(mi)、め(me)、ゆ(yu)、よ(yo)、ら(ra)、り(ri)、れ(re) and わ(wa)
This term, students have been introduced to the Japanese version of the story ‘The Enormous Turnip’. Throughout this unit, students will learn some names of objects and nouns, as well as begin to retell the story in Japanese.
Grade Two
Grade Two students have been continuing to practice their three-stroke and four-stroke hiragana characters:
あ (a)、お (o)、か (ka)、け (ke)、さ (sa)、せ (se)、に (ni) 、は (ha) 、ま(ma)、む(mu) 、も(mo) 、や(ya) 、を(wo) 、き(ki)、た(ta) 、な(na)、ふ(fu) and ほ(ho)
Students have also been introduced to a new topic about school items found in a school bag. Students will learn to read and write the names of objects, as well as put together some longer sentences in Japanese, including asking for and receiving something.
Grade Three
Grade Three students have recently been introduced to the Japanese story called ‘The Mitten’. Students have been beginning to learn to read and write some nouns from the story and will continue to be introduced to some other words in the next few weeks and into Term 3. Students will learn some longer sentences in Japanese, as well as being able to count animals.
Grade Four
Grade Four students have been having fun learning about parts of the body in Japanese. By singing the popular song, ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ in Japanese, students will be able to read and write sentences using their new vocabulary. In Term 3, students will be able to perform role plays with others.
Grade Five
Grade Five students have continued to learn about the weather. Students have been able to use the new vocabulary learnt in class to put together sentences to describe the weather in different Japanese cities. Recently students have learnt how to say the temperature in Japanese. In Term 3, students will be able to put all of this information together to create a weather report in Japanese.
Grade Six
Grade Six students have continued to look at the Japanese version of the story, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, which translates to ‘harapeko aomushi’ (はらぺこ あおむし). Students have learnt names of different food items, the days of the week, and counters for objects. At the beginning of Term 3, students will be able to put this information together to rewrite and present the story in Japanese to other students.
Brown Sensei
Until next time,