
Grade 3 Students
Throughout this semester, Grade 3 students have been revising past topics such as colours, days of the week, colours, fruit and animals. They have extended their knowledge on learning the names of other animals such as farm animals ie cavalllo - horse, mucca - cow, pecora - sheep, maiale - pig, asino - donkey, gallina - chicken, gallo - rooster, toro - bull, topo - mouse, capra - goat. Students have revised ordinal numbers to tenth place and telling time in digital form. For example Che ore sono? Or Che ora e`? Sone le ……. E` l’una e mezza.
Grade 3 students have also learned the names of classroom items and different rooms in a house in the singular form. They did an excellent job doing a self portrait and completing some simple sentences to describe themselves. Here are some photos of students’ work.
Students have also learned the names of the seasons in relation with where Italy and Australia are in the world and the difference in seasons as well as revised the names of the months.
Grade 4 Students
All Grade 4 students have continued to revise greetings, colours, numbers, names of items in the classroom, the Italian alphabet with particular reference to the 5 vowel sounds in English and in Italian. Students have extended their ability to ask what the name and age of the third person is. For example: Lei come si chiama? Lei si chiama Maria. Lui quanti anni ha? Lui ha dieci anni.
In term 2 students have been learning to conjugate present tense verbs. This is preparation for next term in creating a simple digital book. Conjugating means to use a verb for example mangiare to eat and change the endings according to the pronoun. Io mangio. I eat. Tu mangi. You eat. Lei mangia. She eats. Loro mangiano. They eat. Voi mangiate. You eat. Noi mangiamo. We eat. Students have translated, created their sentences and included recordings each week in Italian Google Classroom.
They should be very proud of their work.
Signora Marson.