Grade Three

We are powering through Term 2 with many special activities and events taking place in our classrooms.
In English, students have been developing a range of narrative texts on themes, such as superheroes and dinosaurs. We have been using reading strategies, such as visualisation and sequencing to develop more cohesive and detailed texts full of interesting words. Many of these narratives will end up in our Writer’s Gift that will come home at the end of the year.
In Maths, students have been focusing on developing their understanding of using all four operations. We have wrapped up our McDonalds maths unit where students used a range of addition and subtraction strategies to purchase food and drinks, as well as calculating change. Students have been working hard to practise their times tables, and we encourage this to continue at home. Having a times table chart on display at home is a great visual to support students.
In Integrated, students really enjoyed our excursion to Old Gippstown. We took a trip back to the late 1800s - early 1900s to experience what life was like. Students experienced games children used to play, visited the black smith and ventured into the general store which looked far different to today’s supermarkets! We were able to walk around Old Gippstown to visit homesteads and other old buildings. A real highlight for many was the old Sunny Creek School. Students experienced the many differences to today’s schooling. In our Integrated unit we’ve also been learning about early explorers during the age of exploration and how they shaped the world that we live in today.
Grade 3 Team