Camp Australia

Dear Families at Oatlands PS,
As you may be aware, there are currently building works taking place onsite at school next to our OSHC rooms.
The builders have advised that during the July holidays, they will need to shut off the power to the whole school site.
This means we will unfortunately not be able to run our Rocketeers Holiday Program at Oatlands PS in July.
However, we do have programs running at neighbouring schools, and these will be open to children from Oatlands PS as well.
The closest programs are at Berwick Lodge PS or Brentwood Park PS, but there are many more programs available in the wider area.
We have included an attachment of Berwick Lodges Rocketeers program along with a map of the school. All other centres programs can be found on our website at
We hope this doesn’t overly inconvenience you, unfortunately this is out of our control.
We look forward to welcoming your children into one of our other programs.
Kind regards
The Team at Camp Australia
To see what exciting activities we have coming please read attached flyer.