Calendar -

Parent Information

Dates to remember

Wednesday 26thParent-Teacher Partnership Meetings - No formal classes
Thursday 27thNEW DATE: Foundation excursion - Primary Performers (PJ's and school jumper)
Friday 28th 

Last day of Term 2.

Pyjama Day (dress up, gold coin donation) 

Whole School Assembly 2pm (merits awarded)

School finishes 2:20pm

Monday 15thTerm 3 begins
Friday 19thDivision Hockey (selected students)
Friday 26thFoundation 2025 enrolments due
Thursday 1stWhole School Assembly (merits)
Tuesday 6thToasty Tuesday (more information to come)
Thursday 8thCurriculum Day (Pupil free)
Monday 12th

Dental Van visiting this week

Science Night 4-6pm

Thursday 15thParent Information session - Dan Petro 6:30-8pm (all welcome)
Monday 19thBook Week
Thursday 22ndBook Week Dress-Up Day & Parade
Thursday 5thWhole School Assembly (merits)
Friday 20th

Last day of Term 3.

Footy Colours Day

Assembly 2pm

School Finishes 2:20pm