The Like Minds Science Fair is an opportunity for students to apply scientific method to conduct independent research on a topic of their own choice. Students’ final presentations consisted of a written scientific report displaying the results of their research and/or experiment, a short 2-minute oral presentation, and an interview by Science Fair Judges.
There were some wonderful investigations happening. Well done to everyone on their presentations. The judges had a difficult time choosing an overall winner.
Topics were many and varied and included some of the following:
• Do different liquids affect chicken bones? (First Prize)
• How do plants respond to light? (Second Prize)
• Aerodynamic testing on cars. (Third Prize)
• Making chemical free Vegemite. (Judges Choice)
• How does your dominant hand affect basketball shooting accuracy?
• Modification of a GoKart.
• Water filtration.
• Cheap V’s Expensive Lollies. Do they really differ in taste?
• Light Refraction in glass.
• Can smell interfere with taste?
• Lemon batteries.
• The mystery behind Self-raising flour.
• Volcanoes.
• Does closing our eyes affect our hearing?
• Elephant toothpaste.