Our focus continues to be on student learning and ensuring our students participate in a variety of learning experiences as we gear up for exams in a couple of weeks.
Year 12 exams have commenced and students are well underway. We wish them all the best and have reached out to all our Year 12s to ensure that they contact Ms Creaser about special arrangements, if needed.
Congratulations to Year 9 student Riley Davies who won a $50 voucher to EB Games for his contribution earlier this year to the Festival of Big Ideas.
On Wednesday Like Minds humanities students engaged with community consultation – students are starting to work on their semester projects and will celebrate these in late November. On Thursday Year 7 and 8 Like Minds students visited GTAC in Parkville participating in a biotechnology session. This included students using the ‘Design Thinking’ process to design a prosthetic limb for their ‘client’. Throughout the process, students incorporated learning from biomimicry, skeletal and muscular systems to improve their prototypes. The highlight of the day was the opportunity to build a bionic arm, with students being very creative when testing the arm’s ability. Like Minds students had lots of fun, and can’t wait to return to GTAC in a future session.
The Koorie Emerging Leaders in Schools (KELiS) has come from the Department’s commitment for self determination of Koorie students in schools. The program helps Koorie students access their own leadership qualities through connecting them with elders across their communities and families who inspire them. On Thursday our KELiS leader Monika C attended an expo with Ms Kennedy which started with a careers expo looking at future pathways. An exciting part of the day was planning a project which incorporated writing a letter of change to the school leaders about her project proposal. I am excited to learn more about Monika’s letter and can’t wait to read it and let the school community know more about it.
I also recently attended a workshop called Strengthening Principals’ Practice in Inclusive Koorie Education (SPPIKE) which will also result in a project for our school. Our project is around the Yarning Circle developing cultural awareness and leadership skills among First Nations students at Korumburra SC with a focus on KELiS leaders and Yarning Circle members empowering all students to foster cultural understanding within the school. Our project will provide practical learning experiences, connect students with community resources, and enhance their ability to lead cultural initiatives. This ties in well with Monika’s project and I’m excited to present our work back at SPPIKE in late November.