Submission of Work

Students must complete all set work required according to the completion and submission dates set by the College. If changes to these dates occur, students will be notified of the new dates prior to the commencement of the task. Catch up classes are also part of this process.
SATs must be submitted by 4pm on the due date
If the class teacher is absent on the day the SAT is due, the SAT is to be submitted to the relevant Student Manager, who will sign and date the work. All other Assessment Tasks are to be submitted on or by the date indicated by the class teacher.
Late submissions
Late submissions will only be accepted with an approved extension and/or with the necessary documentation.
Students applying for an extension of time must:
- use the appropriate proforma
- provide acceptable reasons and
- gain approval at least 48 hours prior to due date from the classroom teacher and/or the Senior School Leader where applicable
Failure to meet a deadline, including an approved extension, will automatically result in the student being awarded a ‘Not Satisfactory’ grading for the Assessment Task.
Most assessments are done in class and extensions of time should only apply because of illness or other serious reasons. Students need to provide documented reasons for their absences and apply for a replacement time to complete the task. This can only be done on the basis of Special Provisions and/or through the Senior School Leader.
NOTE: Maximum length of extension is 3 school days.
Implementation of School Assessment Coursework (SAC)
- School Assessment Coursework tasks will generally be completed within class time unless otherwise specified by the study teacher.
- Students will not be permitted to take SAC tasks home to be completed unless this is a specific requirement of the Assessment Task.
- Teachers will supply students with a brief description of the task, an assessment criteria sheet, the time limit, word range and a timeline for each SAC task at least a week prior to its commencement.
- Communication to the students of the due dates must be via email, class announcement and putting learning tasks up on COMPASS about the outcomes and assessments tasks at least 7 working days prior to the task.
- Teachers are not permitted to review or correct drafts of the work to be submitted.
- Students must submit their task at the end of the assessment period. Failure to do so will incur a null mark for that Assessment Task.
NOTE: It is better to submit incomplete work rather than no work.
Non Attendance during School Assessed Coursework (SAC)
Students are required to attend all classes where School Assessment Coursework tasks are being conducted.
- Students are not permitted to miss classes to prepare for Assessment Tasks.
- All preparation is to be completed at home or in the study’s designated class time.
- Students absent at the time of the Assessment Task must produce documentation from a professional, qualified to advise the College on the nature of the circumstances surrounding the absence eg doctor, social worker, psychologist.
This documentation MUST be presented immediately to the Senior School Leader or relevant Student Manager on the first day back after absence.
- If a student does not submit the appropriate documentation explaining their absence they will not be permitted to complete the Assessment Task, which will result in the student receiving a null mark for this assessment.
- If approval is granted, the student will be required to complete a variation of the original Assessment Task within a given time frame on the college grounds.
- Supervision will be provided by the class teacher or a supervisor nominated by the College.
Feedback to Students
Students are advised that the total scores for Coursework are subject to statistical moderation and are likely to change. Scores for individual tasks and outcomes are not subject to statistical moderation.
In Units 3 and 4 the work will be viewed and discussed by the teacher and students, and retained by the teacher for authentication and moderation purposes.
After work is submitted and marked, teachers will provide feedback to students in the form of:
- advice on strengths and particular problem area
- advice on where and how improvements can be made for further learning reporting grades, not specific marks, on individual coursework tasks. These will be issued on assessment sheets which include the criteria, grade and mark weighting
Lost, Stolen or Damaged SATs and SACs
A teacher or student who has lost one of these assessments, who has had work stolen or who has damaged one of these assessments, must complete a written statement describing the circumstances. The statement must be signed and dated. The college will keep a record of the loss, theft or damage. The Principal, acting on advice from the teacher and on the basis of records kept, shall determine the unit result for the student.