Completion of Units

Satisfactory Completion of VCE Units
For satisfactory completion of a Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) unit, students must demonstrate their achievement of the set of outcomes as specified in the study design. The decision about satisfactory completion of outcomes is based on the teacher’s judgement of the student’s overall performance on a combination of set work and assessment tools related to the outcomes. Students should be provided with multiple opportunities to develop and demonstrate the key knowledge and key skills required for the outcomes for the unit.
The assessment of levels of achievement is separate from the decision to award an S for satisfactory completion of a unit. VCE unit results (S or N) contribute to satisfactory completion of the certificate and not to study score calculation.
Final School-based Assessment scores contribute to the calculation of a study score. Where the assessment item developed combines the demonstration of outcomes (S or N) and levels of achievement (scored assessment), best practice would support students who did not meet the outcome through the completion of the assessment item being afforded additional opportunities to demonstrate the outcome. For example, a teacher may consider work previously submitted, provided it meets the requirements. Students may not resubmit work to improve a School-based Assessment score.
Satisfactory VCE Unit Result
The student will receive an S (satisfactory) for a unit if the teacher determines that the student has:
- produced work that demonstrates achievement of the outcomes
- submitted work that is clearly their own
- observed the rules of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and the school (for example, attendance or submission of work policies)
Not Satisfactory VCE Unit Result
The student will receive an N (not satisfactory) for the unit when one or more of the following occurs:
- the work does not demonstrate achievement of the outcomes
- the student has failed to meet a school deadline for the assessment task, including if an extension of time has been granted for any reason, including Special Provision
- the work cannot be authenticated
- there has been a substantial breach of rules
Redeeming outcomes – submitting further evidence for satisfactory completion
If, in the judgement of the teacher, work submitted by a student does not meet the required standard for satisfactory completion, the teacher may consider other work relating to outcomes undertaken and submitted by the student for the unit. This work may include class work, homework, additional tasks or discussions with the student that demonstrate their understanding of the outcome. The school may decide to delay the decision about satisfactory completion to allow a student to complete or submit further work.
A student may only submit further evidence, or resubmit a School-based Assessment for reconsideration, to redeem an S for the outcome. Students may not resubmit to improve a School-based Assessment score.
VCE Unit Result of 'J '
If a student is no longer attending a unit, but they have not officially withdrawn by signing a Student Exit form, the symbol 'J' will be included on VASS.
The J result should be used if the student:
- is no longer attending class
- has not submitted work for assessment
The J result is recorded on the VCAA database, but is not reported on the student’s Statement of Results. Units with a J result are made available to the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) and are treated as equivalent to those with an N result.
Lost, Stolen or Damaged Work
If a teacher or student has lost work or had work stolen or damaged, they must make a written statement explaining the circumstances. The statement must be signed, dated and filed at the school. Schools must keep a record of the loss or damage, but should not report it to the VCAA. The principal, acting on advice from the teacher, and on the basis of records kept, shall determine the unit result for the student.
Care in the use of technology
A student who uses technology to produce work for assessment is responsible for ensuring that:
- there is an alternative system available for producing assessable work in case of malfunction or unavailability
- hard copies of the work in progress and back-up versions are produced regularly.
Satisfactory Completion of VCE
Students must complete the following requirements:
- at least 16 units
- at least three units of an English Study
- at least four 3/4 sequences including an English study
Satisfactory Completion of a Unit
Outcomes are the basis for satisfactory completion of VCE units in all studies. Each VCE unit includes a set of 2 to 4 outcomes. Satisfactory completion of units is determined by the College, in accordance with VCAA requirements. The Assessment Tasks are part of the regular teaching and learning program.
For satisfactory completion of a unit, a student must:
- demonstrate achievement of each of the outcomes for that unit as specified in the Study Design
Satisfactory Completion of a Learning Outcome means:
- it meets the required standard
- work was submitted before or on the College deadline. This includes cases where extension of time was granted
- work is clearly the student’s own and can be authenticated by the teacher
- 85% attendance in class to allow for authentication of work
- there has been no substantive breach of rules