Student Enrolling in VCE with previous VCAL Enrolment

Recognition for VCAL Completion
Students who have successfully completed a Foundation VCAL and who enrol in the VCE in a subsequent year will be required to meet the normal VCE satisfactory completion rules. VCE units and VET/FE Certificate II or above, completed as part of a Foundation VCAL, will contribute to the VCE in the subsequent year.
Students who have successfully completed the VCAL at Intermediate or Senior level and who enrol in the VCE in a subsequent year will be eligible to complete the VCE if they satisfactorily complete:
- a Unit 3–4 sequence from the English group that has not been undertaken in the previous VCAL qualification
- three sequences of VCE Units 3 and 4 in studies other than English that have not been undertaken in the previous VCAL qualification.
Credit for VCAL Units when a student transfers to VCE
If a VCAL student who has not yet completed a VCAL Intermediate or VCAL Senior certificate transfers to the VCE, they must meet the minimum VCE requirements of 16 units, which must include:
• three units from the English group, including a Unit 3–4 sequence • at least three sequences of Units 3 and 4 in studies other than English. They may count VCAL and VCE units successfully completed.
Studies completed as part of a VCAL learning program will contribute towards the VCE as follows:
- Intermediate VCAL units contribute towards satisfactory completion of the VCE at Unit 1 and 2 level
- Senior VCAL units contribute towards the VCE at Unit 3 and 4 level.
Senior VCAL units can be accumulated towards a VCE Unit 3–4 sequence in the following ways:
- two Senior VCAL units from the Personal Development Skills strand and Literacy and Numeracy Skills strand
- a combination of any Senior VCAL Personal Development Skills/Literacy and Numeracy Skills unit and 90 nominal hours of appropriate FE training at AQF Level III and above that meet the Literacy and Numeracy Skills strand requirements
- two Senior VCAL units from the Work Related Skills strand
- a combination of any Senior VCAL Work Related Skills unit and 90 nominal hours of appropriate VET training at AQF Level III or above.