VCE Student Management Policy

Level Assemblies
Attendance is compulsory at all level assemblies. These are one of the main formal methods of disseminating important information and instructions to senior students at this college.
Approved Absences for Students
- A maximum of five (only) lessons per unit for absences covered by a note from parents or guardian or student.
- Notes - must be shown to and signed by all affected teachers and the relevant Student Manager no later than three days after the student’s return to class. Submit signed notes to Reception.
- Medical Certificates - must be shown to and signed by all affected teachers, again no later than three days after the student’s return to class. Submit signed Medical Certificates to Reception.
- Original Medical Certificates only will be accepted – NOT PHOTOCOPIES.
- For authentication purposes all Medical Certificates should bear the individual doctor’s stamp and provider number.
- Participation in all school-based activities is compulsory. It is the responsibility of the student to give prior notice to the teacher and provide a relevant reason for absence. It is also the responsibility of the student to catch up on work missed.
When you have been absent you must present a Note or Medical Certificate for signature:
- to ALL the teachers of classes missed and your Student Manager
- no later than 3 working days after absence; otherwise an unauthorised absence will be recorded
- hand the signed Note or Medical Certificate in to Reception.
Unapproved Absences for Students
Students will receive an ‘N’ for a unit when Unapproved Absences amount to more than 15% of total attendance time. Students must attend 100% of classes during an assessment period. Students who do not attend all or some of SAC classes MUST produce specific and clear explanations for their incapacity to attend. Notes from parents are NOT accepted. A Medical Certificate is needed to reschedule any assessment missed.
On average, 15% of Unexplained Absences equates to between 8-11 classes. Teachers must ensure that students receive an ‘At Risk Form’ when they reach 6 absences in a semester.
When a student fails to meet the attendance requirements for a unit of study, the class teacher will allocate an ‘N’ result for the outcomes that are most affected by the absences.
Lateness to Class
Students that arrive less than 5 minutes late to class:
- are permitted to enter the room once the teacher acknowledges the student
- ‘Late’ will be recorded against the student’s name on Compass Students that arrive more than 5 minutes late to class:
- teacher can allow entry and either record ‘late’ or ‘absent’ against the student
- teacher can refuse entry and record ‘absent’ against the student
- teacher can send the student along with work and a note to the VCE Study Centre
Removal from Class
If a student is removed from class they will nonetheless be required to complete all missed work elsewhere. The student will be marked as present.
Out of Bounds
The Macleod Village shops, the park opposite and all areas outside the College grounds are OUT OF BOUNDS. Students may only walk through on their way to and from college at the beginning and end of their school day.
The Uniform Policy, which is available at Reception, has a detailed description of the Macleod College uniform, including the VCE uniform. All students must adhere to this set uniform policy.
VCE students arriving at College out of uniform must obtain a uniform pass from the Senior School office. Students without an appropriate written authorisation should expect to be sent home to change.
Private Study
All VCE students are timetabled for a number of private study periods each week. This time is to be used for preparation, research and revision. It is most important that this time be used wisely and productively. Given that students are not always directly supervised during these periods it is expected that they will maintain the self-discipline required to work effectively until the end of the period. Private study locations, such as the VCE Study Centre, the library and faculty area classrooms may be available after negotiations with the teachers responsible for those areas.
Use of the VCE Study Centre
Year 12 students have the use of the VCE Study Centre, (in D14), during study periods. The purpose of the room is to provide students with a high quality study area and a first-rate learning environment. Because the room is primarily a study area, food and drink are not allowed and it is not a place for general socialising, The VCE Study Centre is an area provided for quiet study during students' study periods.
Students Driving Cars
Some students will already have their driver's licence and many will obtain it during the year. If the student intends to drive to the College they must recognise the responsibilities associated with that privilege and obey the College regulations in this regard. The College needs to have the registration number and description of the car. A Student Driving Form must be obtained from the Senior School Office, completed and returned before permission is granted to drive to and from the College.
Students driving to the College are not permitted to transport other students.
The only acceptable variation to this is the provision of transport for other students from the same household, following application to the Senior School Team who will then note down the necessary particulars. This can only be one person due to the conditions of their P plates.
Students who drive to the college must park along Carwarp Street end of the College car park, follow Vic Road Rules and show respect for local Council parking laws and neighbours’ properties.
Full Courses and Course Changes
Macleod College policy clearly states that:
1. Students in Year 10 may undertake ONE VCE Unit 1/2 study.
2. ALL students in Year 11 are to be enrolled in SIX studies, unless studying a Distance
Education subject, in which case five subjects is the minimum. A VET subject is not
considered a sixth subject.
3. ALL students in Year 12 are to be enrolled in FIVE subjects.
Except under exceptional circumstances will students be permitted to vary the number of studies undertaken. This is a Macleod College VCE requirement and enrolment is
conditional on this policy.
NOTE: Students wanting a variation to this policy must apply in writing to the College Principal.
Circumstances may warrant a change in a student's course. A change of units can occur only at the end of Unit 1, or within VCAA specified dates and will be dependent upon class sizes and timetabling constraints. This change will only occur under exceptional circumstances.
Units 3 and 4 must be completed as a sequence in a calendar year.
Promotion to Year 12
Students must successfully complete at least eight units, including one unit of English 1/2, before attempting Year 12.
Withdrawal/Enrolment of a Study
Withdrawing From VCE Units Or Changing From One Unit To Another
Students wishing to withdraw from a subject or change to another subject must complete a “VCE Withdrawal from One Subject” or “VCE enrolment in New Study” form. The signatures of the parent/carer, relevant teachers and the Head of Senior School must be obtained on the form to signify approval of the proposed change and compliance with VCE rules.
Unless the above steps are authorised and completed no study changes will be made to your official enrolment with VCAA. This may jeopardise the satisfactory completion of VCE/VET/VCAL.
Second Language Application for Enrolment
All enrolments in VCE Second Language studies Units 3 and 4 must be approved by the VCAA using the appropriate form/s from the VCAA.
Enrolment is required by the end of October in the year preceding the study enrolment.
- English as an Additional Language Units 3 and 4
- Chinese Second Language Units 3 and 4 or Chinese Second Language Advanced Units 3 and 4.
See: Further information on Eligibility Criteria for Chinese Second Language.
- Indonesian Second Language Units 3 and 4
- Japanese Second Language Units 3 and 4
- Korean Second Language Units 3 and 4
Students Experiencing Difficulties
Special Provision
Students attempting VCE VET/VCAL courses may need special provisions when their ability to participate in and complete their secondary studies has been significantly impeded. Students who are eligible for Special Provision are NOT exempt from meeting the requirements for satisfactory completion of the VCE, or from being assessed against the outcomes for a study.
Special Provision is available to students whose performance has been significantly adversely affected by illness (physical or psychological), impairment, disability or personal circumstances. The college is responsible for the determination of eligibility for Special Provisions, as well as the nature of the provisions granted. The final decision on results and grades is made by the Principal and reported on VASS.
The adverse circumstances affecting the student must be in no way within the control of the student. Prolonged absence from school or study is not in itself grounds for Special Provisions. Students who have been granted EAL status are not eligible for special examination arrangements on the basis of unfamiliarity with the English language alone.
Derived Examination Scores
Students are eligible for a Derived Examination Score if they can demonstrate that serious illness, personal trauma or other circumstances occurring immediately (approximately two weeks) before or during the external examination period has affected their performance on an examination or has prevented them from attending an examination.
NOTE: Applications for a Derived Exam Score must be handed in to the Head of Senior School no later than 7 days after your final examination (or examination that you are applying for a Derived Exam Score for, whichever comes first).
Special Examination Arrangements
Students wishing to apply for ‘Special Exam Arrangements’ must complete the appropriate VCAA form that is available at the Head of Senior School. Check with Head of Senior School or VASS Administrator as to cut-off dates.
NOTE: It is the student’s responsibility to provide all of the necessary supporting evidence.
Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS)
Students experiencing specific personal circumstances throughout the year which affect their performance in external examinations may apply directly to VTAC through the SEAS. These students are ineligible to apply for Derived Examination Scores.
Categories for which Chronic Circumstances can be applied are: Disrupted Schooling, Home Environment and Responsibilities and Personal Illness/Disability.
The Chronic Circumstances application will only be circulated to selection authorities for those course listed on the VTAC application by the applicant. For further information refer to the VTAC website:
Students who wish to apply for Special Provisions, Derived Examination Scores or Chronic Circumstances must submit all the necessary documentation with the application form to the VCE Manager.