
Principal | Mr Mario Panaccio |
Assistant Principal | Ms Michelle Wallis |
Senior School Leader | Mr Royce Light |
Year 12 Student Manager Year 11 Student Manager Year 10 Student Manager | Ms Sarah Barrand Mr Keegan Ryan Mr Matthew Bentley |
Careers, Pathways and Transition Leader | Mrs Donna Morante |
International Student Manager | Mrs Colleen Cochrane |
International Student Assistants | Mrs Joanna Wan Mrs Greta Kechayas |
Teaching & Learning | Mrs Helen Spanos |
Wellbeing Leader | Ms Kasi Bird |
International Student Code: CRICOS Provider Code: 00861K
CRICOS Provider Name: Department of Education and Training
Carwarp Street,
3085 Victoria Australia
Phone: 9459 0222
Deprtment of Education School No.6242
Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authority No.01064
The information in this handbook has been written primarily for the use by teachers, parents and VCE students at Macleod College.
It provides information about the structure of the VCE, assessment, reporting and school policy as it relates to the VCE. There are also sections of the Administrative Handbook from Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority that have been incorporated in this handbook.
Information about studies and other administrative procedures can be obtained from VCAA.
If you have any queries, please contact the Senior Sub School Leader.