
In the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Classes, children will be exposed to a range of social situations, activities and games. Our children will learn about Problem Solving both individually and within teams. The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program has a number of areas that help promote such things as building resilience which is important for a child’s mental health. It builds on their ability to bounce back from failure, challenges, adversity and stress. It’s not something that kids have or don’t have but a skill that kids develop over time as they grow.
“Resilience is key to addressing mental health issues. We need to allow our kids to experience adversity. There is a tendency to shield our kids because parents have become a bit over-protective.” Dr Michael Carr-Gregg
This week's SchoolTV - Special Report: Resilience
Please click the TV image below
WEEK 4 - Resilience
WEEK 3 - Mindfulness
WEEK 2 - Parenting Styles
WEEK 1 - Managing Overwhelm
13 11 44
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Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader