Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,
Once again our Annual Mission Fete was a big hit with the kids last Friday. A very big thank you to all of our staff who worked so hard to co-ordinate the children’s efforts and then man the stalls while the kids roamed the dozens of stalls. Thank you too, to the many parents who contributed cupcakes, litres of milk, lollies, nail polish and even rocks! The children raised $2500 that will be sent to Catholic Mission Australia to support their work in developing countries and communities.
A very big thank you to Julie Leonard who worked with our Grade 6 classes to stage a beautiful liturgy that replaced our usual school Mass on this day. Fr Michael was unable to attend as he was part of the interview panel for the new principal of Sacred Heart. So he definitely had a good excuse - no news yet though.
SCHOOL CLOSURES Our school will be closed this coming Monday, November 4th for teachers to prepare the children’s reports and again on Tuesday November 5th as it is the Public Holiday for the Melbourne Cup.
PREP 2025 BARBECUE Families who have someone enrolled to begin Foundation in 2025 are invited to our Family Barbecue on Thursday, November 14th. We will be conducting a brief Information Session at 6:00pm in the Multi Purpose Room to be followed immediately by a delicious BBQ tea and salads prepared by our staff. Families are invited to bring their own refreshments along.
This is always a fun night and a relaxed and friendly introduction to our school to new families and a good social gathering for the rest of us.
HEALTH ALERT Whooping Cough (Pertusis) continues to circulate in our community and in our school our Grade 4 students in particular The advice remains the same. Children should be tested for Whooping Cough and must be kept away from school until the results of the test are known and then, if positive for at least 5 days after they have started a course of antibiotics. We all know this is a particularly nasty illness for babies and in a Primary School community there are always quite a few babies around.
Your vigilance with this issue is very much appreciated.
BUS SAFETY Christians Bus Lines have this morning alerted me to a near miss last Monday on the morning our Grade 4 camp was preparing to leave. Parents are reminded that there are NO PARKING signs at either end of the “Pull in” Zone along Pound Road beside our gym. Parents are permitted to use this area as a “Drop off & Pick Up” zone but the area is also used in this capacity by the bus companies in the morning so it is important that we keep the traffic moving.
Could I suggest dropping campers with big bags near the Pound road gate before parents park further west along Pound Road or in Petjuli street in order to wave off the bus?
STATE BOWLS CHAMPIONSHIPS Tomorrow we have a small contingent of Grade 5 and 6 children who are heading off to compete in the State Championships for Lawn Bowls. We wish them all well. We thank Nicole Lynch for continually putting these opportunities before our students and the children’s parents for supporting the kids’ efforts. It is no small thing to make the State Finals for any sport. Good luck guys!
Jack Lenaghan - Principal