Religion and Parish News

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
October - The month of the Rosary
The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. Students have spent some time in class learning about the Rosary and praying parts of the Rosary using Rosary Beads.
October also included the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7).
Fr Antony Visits Year 5
Year 5 enjoyed their visit from Fr Antony. They spent some time discussing how creation is a gift from God and that we are called to be Stewards of Creation. The Year 5 students had some really interesting questions for Fr Antony!
Catholic Mission
All around Australia, schools are actively registering to take part in the challenge and learn more about the life-giving work of Mission.
This year, students will learn about the work of Mission in Mongolia and the reality of the people living there. They will focus on understanding the challenges of living in a country where the weather makes normal things a lot harder. As they learn about the Don Bosco Caring Center, a centre dedicated to being a welcoming home to children left to fend for themselves in the streets, students will focus their awareness and fundraising efforts towards building a brighter and more certain future for the children at the Caring Center.
Focus on Mission: Mongolia
This year we invite you to discover one of the smallest Catholic communities in the world, the Church of Mongolia, and the missionaries creating pathways of hope and equality. Located between Russia and China, Mongolia is known for its harsh weather, dropping to -40 degrees Celsius in winter, creating tough conditions for its
Rich in culture and tradition, Mongolia is a country of diversity and religiosity. From only 14 Mongolian Catholics recognised in 1995, the community has grown to 1500 Catholics in 2022.
As the missionaries work toward building a stronger economy and society, there is a critical need for people in vulnerable situations to access social services.
Finding its space in the Mongolian landscape, the Catholic Church has become an essential social services provider, bringing hope to many thanks to the dedication of the missionaries on the ground. This year, we amplify their voices around the world.
At St Xavier’s we are going to raise money by...
Crazy Sock Day!
Friday November 1 will be crazy sock day. Please bring a gold coin donation