News of the Week

Good Afternoon Parents and Guardians,
What Leadership Means to Us
Thomas: Leadership to me means being responsible for the Foundation students and making sure that everyone is doing the right thing.
Nic: This year I am looking forward to helping younger students and being kind.
Iris: Leadership to me means being a role model for all the younger years, helping the younger students and helping in the assemblies.
Luke: Leadership means that everybody looks up to you so you have to do the correct thing at all times.
Blake: Leadership is very important, it is doing the correct thing.
Charlotte: Being a Year Six leader, I am looking forward to being a role model to the younger kids. I'm also looking forward to doing the assemblies.
Foundation Buddies
Blake interviewed Benton
What has been your favourite part of Foundation?
I like the playground.
What are you looking forward to?
I am too looking forward to doing sport.
Luke interviewed Lucas
What do you think about school so far?
I like it because my teachers are very nice and my friends are too.
Have you learnt anything interesting so far? I'm interested because I´m learning new things and my brain gets bigger and bigger.
Charlotte interviewed Alice
What are you looking forward to at school this year?
This year I am looking forward to learning new things in the classroom.
What has been your favourite thing so far?
My favourite thing so far has been walking to church with my buddy.
Nic interviewed Oliver
What do you like about school?
Oliver said he likes the playground.
What was your favourite part of going to Church?
Singing at the church with everyone.
Iris interviewed Maddie
What are you looking forward to at school?
Playing on the playground and the monkey bars.
Have you made any new friends?
Yes, lots of new friends and they play on the playground with me.
Thomas interviewed Sam.
What do you enjoy about this school?
I like the classrooms, I like sport and I like playing in puddles.
Oliver interviewed Xavier.
What do you like about school so far?
Playing with friends on the playground.
Have you made any friends?
Yes, with lots of people in my class.
Do you like sports so far?
Yes I like sports!
Swimming Trials
What strokes did you do?
I did freestyle and backstroke.
What was your favourite stroke?
My favourite stroke was freestyle because I find it easier.
Which stroke did you think you did the best in?
I think I was the best at freestyle because I did faster than normal.
What strokes did you do?
I did freestyle, backstroke and butterfly.
What was your favourite stroke you did?
My favourite stroke I did was backstroke because it was really fun to do.
What stroke do you think you did the best in?
I think I did the best in butterfly because it was my first time and I think I nailed it.
Were you happy how you performed?
Yes, because I won all the races I competed in by a good amount.
Was it a good experience?
Yes, because I had lots of fun with my friends in the pool.
Feast of St Brigid's and Welcome Mass
It was very nice being able to walk with our buddies and have a good experience while walking to church.
It was very nice to see everyone back in church while being able to see Father Andrew again.
Sadly the TV wasn't working for our first song so we had to say the words for the song all together really loudly. Overall the Mass was very nice and we enjoyed it.
Welcome Fun Afternoon - Friday 14 February
We hope you can join us at our at our upcoming Assembly, on Friday 14 February at the special time of 2:00pm. We will be presenting our new Wellbeing Reps with their badges. Our Year 6 Students will receive their leadership badges and our Foundation Students will be presented with their Buddy Bears. After Assembly we hope families will stay and join in our welcome afternoon fun.
Our first Tuckshop for 2025 is tomorrow - Friday 7th February. CDF pay now have an app - see details below). With this new app it is now the parents responsibility to cancel lunch orders if your child is absent for any reason. The orders can be cancelled up to on Friday morning. We cannot hold over orders for the following week anymore. Students are welcome to bring $1-$2 cash to spend over the counter at recess or lunchtime.
CDFpay powered by Flexi Schools - New App
The new CDFpay mobile app and website is now available for online canteen ordering, events and fundraising at our school.
If you haven’t already, please register for a new CDFpay account today:
Download the CDFpay mobile app (not the Flexischools App) on the Apple or Google store, then click ‘Sign up now’.
Important: You will not be able to use your existing CDFpay credentials to log in to the new CDFpay mobile app. You will need to follow these steps to create a new CDFpay account (you can use the same email address if desired).
- All families are asked to register for a new CDFpay account before the start of Term 1 2025.
- Enter and confirm your email address, then click ‘Sign up’.
- Check your email inbox and follow the prompts to complete your account registration (check junk/spam if lost).
After you have registered and entered your child’s details and you will then be able to order and pay in seconds.
If you are having any difficulty with the new App or you have any questions, Flexi Schools have asked that you contact them directly. Click here for link to lodge a support request. View CDFpay powered by Flexischools Help & Support for detailed FAQs or chat to the Flexischools Digital Assistant. If you cannot find
Get to Know You Interviews
A reminder to families that School will finish for all students at 1:30pm on Tuesday 11th of February to allow for the Get to Know You interviews. Theircare will be open and bookings can be made now.
These Get to Know You sessions form an important step in your child’s transition to a new class, level and for some families a new school. The relationship between home and school is vital and one we encourage families to develop with their child’s teacher throughout the year. These Get to Know You sessions are about parents giving some insight into your children. Please note these sessions are not teacher feedback to families about academic performance. These meetings will run for 10 mins and will only be offered via a face to face meeting here at school.
You will need to access the new NForma Portal (which is now up and running) to make your booking time - this is the same portal used to access your child's reports at the end of last year. Please see instructions below for logging into the Portal. As mentioned at the end of last year a number of the programs used by the school will be transitioning to NForma so that parents have everything in one place. If you are having difficulty making your booking please contact Tracey in the Office.
Audiri - Don't forget to Update Your Students Year Level
Audiri is our communication platform where we share notes and /or photos of things happening around the school. We encourage all families to have the Audiri App on your phone. Did you know that you can record an absence, holiday or change of address in the app? It's also timely to remind families check you have the correct year levels selected on your app so that you receive all relevant information about what is happening in your child's year level. To update your child's year level select the Resources button at the bottom of the app. Click on the Groups tab and select the Year Levels relevant to your family. If you have queries please don't hesitate to see Tracey in the Office.
Scholastic Book Club
This week your child will have received the first issue of the Scholastic Bookclub for the year.
Any purchases made through bookclub will also earn credit rewards for our school to purchase books and other learning resources, however there is never any obligation to order. Last year we were fortunate to use these rewards to purchase many new books for our library.
How to order:
To place an order from the bookclub please download the LOOP app or visit and create an account.
When ordering please pay by credit card, please do not send cash to school.
The last day to order Friday 14th February, please ensure that all orders are placed by this date.
Erin McGeoch - St Brigid's Volunteer Book Club Co-ordinator
Thank you Miss Eccles
Thank you Miss Eccles for making a new playlist for our school bell. We are loving our new music!!
We hope you enjoyed our newseltter.
The Arts and Culture Team - Thomas, Nic, Iris, Luke, Blake, Ollie and Charlotte