From the Principal
School Performance Report
The Department of Education has recently released the annual School Performance Reports which provides a yearly opportunity for schools to review outcomes, improvement cycles and importantly look to celebrate the work undertaken whilst importantly aligning improvement priorities for the coming year.
Schools are categorised in of four domains – High, Improving, Medium and Developing (see image) comprising a 50% weighting on learning outcomes and 50% on wellbeing outcomes.
Our school has achieved a High overall performance rating which is a wonderful achievement and a great credit to the work of our students, parents and staff at Camelot Rise Primary School.
We were assessed as having a range of learning and wellbeing outcomes that were measured high, individual elements that contributed to this assessment include:
- % of students in strong or exceeding NAPLAN (Year 5 Reading)
- % of students with High or Medium relative growth NAPLAN (Year 3 to Year 5)
- % of students at or above expected growth in Teacher Judgement (Year 1-6)
- % of students in strong or exceeding NAPLAN (Year 3 Numeracy)
- % of students in strong or exceeding NAPLAN (Year 5 Numeracy)
- % of positive endorsement in Emotional Awareness and regulation (Year 4-6)
- % of positive endorsement in school connectedness (Year 4-6)
We are very proud of what we have achieved over the course of 2024 and we are greatly appreciative of our students, parents and staff that enable us to achieve these great results.
Preparing/Planning for 2025
Our goal for 2025 remains to ensure that all our students are achieving their best possible outcomes, and we have already started working towards that goal. Your children’s new teachers will be briefed on each child’s point of need for the start of next year as part of our ‘Teacher handover / Transition to 2025’.
Early in the new school year, we will offer our ‘Getting to Know You Interviews’ where parents and teachers can discuss their goals for the year ahead. We will also conduct Parent Information Nights in Term One where parents can learn about what to expect in each year level throughout the school.
Given the popularity of attending these interviews on WebEx, we will most likely offer both an online and an in-person option again next year.
Brainstorm Productions - Whole School event
On Friday, 29th November all students (Foundation to Year 6) will be attending the Brainstorm Productions titled ‘Sticks and Stones’
Brainstorm Production is an Educational Theatre for primary students that promotes resilience, cyber safety and anti-bullying in Australian schools.
Sticks and Stones is a fun and inclusive student wellbeing program for primary schools that reinforces positive relationships and supports vulnerable children to build confidence and social and emotional skills.
Outline of the performance –
When things go wrong at home, at school or online, Toby’s body goes into fight/flight. He feels angry, frightened and confused by messages from peers, family, video games and YouTube. Toby responds in the only way he knows how – with aggression and antisocial behaviour.
When Toby meets Joe, he learns to be assertive and respect boundaries. He deals with negative online experiences by reporting and telling an adult and learns more positive ways to deal with anger: he stops, breathes, puts his hands in his pockets, walks away and talks about his feelings. Toby cooperates with other kids to create a circus routine with acrobatics and juggling.
This event will encourage positive connections cooperation, impulse control and respect.
We are very much looking forward to this event on Friday, 29th November.
Educational Theatre Company Australia | Brainstorm Productions
Staff Professioanl Learning in 2025
As part of our regular high quality professional learning that all staff at Camelot Rise experience throughout the year in 2025 our staff will also be working with Mardi Gorman. Mardi is a highly regarded educational consultant who has worked in many schools, universities and educational settings throughout her career. We are thrilled to have Mardi working with our staff throughout the year in 2025. Mardi has previously worked at our school, and we wanted to have her back again to ensure our staff are exposed to the highest quality professional learning.
Home - Mardi Gorman Education Consultancy
We will also do some professional learning through the department’s Inclusive Classrooms team, with a focus on supporting neurodiverse students, including those with autism and ADHD.
2025 student Leadership roles
Our Year 5 students are currently working on and presenting their leadership speeches. We will announce our 2025 Student Leaders at our assembly on Friday, 29th November.
Important dates for 2024
- Tuesday, 10th December – Students meet their 2025 Teacher and classmates
- Wednesday, 11th December – Year 6 Graduation and Awards Night
- Thursday, 12th December – Final assembly for whole school and we farewell the Graduating Class of 2024
- Friday, 13th December – Student reports are live on Compass from 3.30pm
- Wednesday, 18th December – Christmas Concert
- Friday, 20th December – Last day of the school year. Students will be dismissed from their classrooms at 1.30pm.
Important dates for 2025
- Wednesday 29th January – Year 1 to Year 6 Students commence school
- Thursday 30th January – Year 1 to 6 Parent Information Nights
- 4.30pm – 5.15pm Year 1 / 2 Information Night
- 5:15pm -6.00pm Year 3 / 4 Information Night
- 6:00-6:45 pm Year 5 / 6 Information Night
- Monday 3rd February Foundation students commence school
- Thursday, 6th February – Parent Teacher Interviews Foundation to Year 6
3.40pm – 8.00pm
Parent Contributions 2025
By the end of November, we will inform the school community of the Parent Payments for 2025. The Department of Education has asked schools to itemise the payments. The cost for Parent Payments is discussed and approved at our Finance and School Council meetings prior to being announced to the school community.
Assistant Principal Network meeting
This Thursday Camelot Rise Primary School will be hosting an Assistant Principals Network Meeting for Monash primary schools. We expect 30 assistant principals to be in attendance. This is a great opportunity for Ben to share with other Assistant Principals many of the great processes and teaching and learning practices that we have at our school.
It is great that our school is being used to host such an important collegiate professional learning event.
Matthew Coney & Ben Heys