FORPS, Parents & Community

End Of Year Fundraiser
Fair meeting, Thursday 24th October.
7:30 pm Chandler hall
Hi Everyone
RPS are looking to hold another amazing fair in 2025 but we need your help.
In order for this to run as smoothly as possible, many hands are needed.
There are 30-40 roles that need to be filled. We would need to fill these roles for the fair to run.
Below is a summary of each coordinating role as well as a list of the stalls that we ran last time.
Obviously this is subject to change but it will give you an idea of what is involved and give you some time to think about what you would like to do.
Please come along to the meeting on Thursday night to show your support.
If you cant make the meeting but would like to put your hand up for something, then please email Jackie to let her know what you would like to do. (
Looking forward to seeing you all there :)
Summary Of Fair Roles
Overall fair coordinators (4 people)
This role will be held by Kym and Jackie however we would like to bring in 2 people to learn the ropes for future fairs. This will be Jackie and Kym’s last fair, so we need to pass on the knowledge to parents with younger kids.
Fair coordinators run each meeting, are across all stalls and teams to ensure everything is running to schedule. They are the planners and motivators. They are the anticipators of what is coming next, and the solvers of problems. They are the point of contact between the school and the committee. They support each team on an as needed basis. And they write the site plan and the master plan. They are the glue that holds this show together J
Advertising and marketing team (suggested 2-3 people)
This role involves all things graphic design. Designing the logo/posters/advertising copy/signage/thank you certificates for donations/site map etc. This role works closely with the sponsorship coordinator
Entertainment/stage coordinators (suggested 2 people)
This role is the coordination of the stage acts/entertainment for the day of the fair.
There are 3 streams involved in the role:
- Sourcing and coordinating entertainment acts and DJ
- Sourcing equipment and decorations
- Scheduling and running on the day
Finance (suggested 1 person)
A new role that organises electronic payments for each stall, plus float running on the day.
Food and drink coordinators (suggested 2 people)
Three aspects to this role:
- Coordinating and booking food trucks. This should be booked about 9 months in advance
- Coordinating RPS provided food (eg Devonshire tea, BBQ, Cake stall)
- Coordinating the bar (which has its own unique requirements due to alcohol sales)
Rides (suggested 1 person)
This involves booking the rides ASAP (12 months out), assisting with the site plan, and wrist band sales. This role works closely with the Centre management stall.
Stall coordinator (suggested 1-2 people)
In charge of each stall’s infrastructure needs – what they require to run (eg sourcing marquees, tables etc). This is also the site manager on the day during set up and pack up.
Volunteer coordinator (suggested 1 person)
This role sets up the sign-up page and liaises with the stall holders on the number of volunteers required.
Sponsorship and donations team (suggested 3 people)
Works on attaining platinum, gold, silver donations.
Coordinating canvasing local businesses for physical donations
Works closely with the silent auction
Waste management coordinator (suggested 1 person)
In charge of the environmental impact of the fair, and emptying bins on the day
Stalls: (some of these are overlapped above)
Bar (overlapped with food and drink coordinator)
Biscuit decorating
Book stall
Cake stall
Centre management
This role involves selling wrist bands for those people who purchase rides on the day. This stall is also a point of contact for the fair goers for any questions they may have for the fair.
Chillout zone
Chocolate trailer
Devonshire tea
Dunk tank (part of rides but managed by RPS rather than the ride company)
Face painting
Fairy floss/guess the lollies
Lucky envelope
Silent auction (overlapped with Donations and sponsorships)