A note from Mr Jackson

2025 Class Structures and Composition
Once we are clear on the students who will be with us in 2025, we will put a school structure in place to support teaching and learning. Teachers will then be able to thoughtfully consider each students’ needs in allocating them to a class. During this complex decision making process, staff consider a range of factors including social, emotional and academic needs along with creating balanced class groups.
Each year at this time, we invite parents to share their thoughts and information which may affect their child’s class placement for the following year.
The process of placing students into new classes is both complex and layered. A whole range of interconnected factors go into decision making. These factors include; academic performance, social and emotional development, behaviour, independence, relational groups, student history, as well as student and parental preferences. The focus on shaping classes for the coming year is always on building connected learning communities that are balanced throughout the whole school and support the needs of all students.
Parents/Carers Reflections
If there are specific requests for student placement in 2025 that are not covered in students’ identification of learning friendships, you can make a request in writing to the principal. Recognising the complexity of the process, I ask that your requests be limited to no more than three suggestions that may be a request to separate or pair students. Any parent requests should be sent to the school email - rosanna.ps@education.vic.gov.au
The request should include ‘2025 Class Placement’ in the subject line and be received by Friday, 25 October. Any correspondence received after this date cannot be considered.
In shaping classes, teachers make every effort to consider all factors presented, but we cannot guarantee that all requests will be accommodated. All will be considered. It is important to note that requests for specific teachers cannot be accepted.
Red Highlights Kindness -
Wednesday 23 October
Thanks to all those who wore red yesterday, the day proved a great reminder about the importance of Kindness in our community. As I spoke with students and staff they had been busy displaying their class Quilts of Kindness, delving into kind actions, and crafting books of kindness. One of the great joys was also to build connections to the Assisi Retirement Village. Students shared the responsibility of writing to each aged care resident with a warm message of hope and connection. It proved a great chance to value the contribution and life of all in our community.
FORPS Fair Meeting Tonight -
Thursday 24 October
As we lift our heads to 2025, we are reminded that it will be another Fair year. While that might be a long way off, gathering a team of helpers and supporters now will ensure a smooth and manageable transition into 2025. I encourage you to ensure that this valuable event continues in the future and consider attending the Fair Meeting tonight at 7:30pm.
Year 1 Dinner and Year 2 Snooze -
Friday 25 and Saturday 26 October
Our Camping Program continues this week. This Friday, we will see students in the 1/2 Learning Area, join us for dinner and a special magic show. The Year 2 students will be staying overnight and enjoy a night walk and movie! A special thanks again for our teachers who will supervise the night and share the experience with students.
School Council Update
Monday 21 October
A range of discussions and reports were received by School Council on Monday 21 October. It included but was not limited to; updates from our camping program across the school, the changes related to payments, enrolments for 2025.
They endorsed a policy focussed on the exclusion of dogs as pets but also took time to contribute to a policy related to the inclusion of a support dog. The Council heard of the wellbeing value such an experience for students at Rosanna Primary School might have. Information has been included in this report for parents to read.
As the Council looked towards 2025, they were eager to encourage members of the community to consider a possible membership. Although nominations are held early in the year, I welcome discussions with any community member who may wish to find out more about this role in our community. Departmental responsibilities concerning the nature of School Councils can be found here.
Opportunities for parents of Year 5 students to purchase a wider range of uniform to offset costs and provide second hand options was discussed and incorporated with the current uniform offered.
Towards a Support Dog Onsite
School Council recently discussed and approved the introduction of a therapy or ‘support dog’ to the school. A support dog aims at supporting students’ emotional regulation, reducing stress and anxiety. Simply patting a dog can trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with positive feelings, which can help students feel calmer and more relaxed. For students who may struggle with social interaction or feel isolated, the presence of a therapy dog can encourage communication and social engagement.
While the introduction of a support dog would benefit many in our community, we recognise that some students may respond differently. We acknowledge the need to be flexible and respectful in providing access to the dog for students who may experience anxiety or even have medical concerns. For this reason, we are collating a list of students who may have particular phobias or extreme fears of dogs. In this way we can ensure that they do not come into contact with Parker. If your child is in this group, please let us know by Thursday 7 November by completing the simple survey that can be found here.
A range of ‘Afternoons with Parker’ have been planned for students and parents to meet Parker and Ms Perna. Please feel free to come along at 2:45pm in the following locations and Learning Areas;
- 2/3/4 Learning Area - Wed 30 Oct (Chandler Hall)
- 1/2 Learning Area - Wed 6 Nov (Library)
- Prep Learning Area - TBC (Prep Fun Zone)
- 4/5/6 Learning Area - Wed 20 Nov (Chandler Hall)
It acknowledges the need to be flexible and respectful in providing access to the dog for students who may experience anxiety or even have medical concerns. Visitors to school will be informed of the dog at the school reception, explaining the dog’s role and expectations of visitors.
Ms Kara Perna is a trained and certified handler along with her dog, Parker. They both have received comprehensive training, with a specific emphasis on contact with children and large groups. She describes Parker as ‘… a gorgeous 6-year-old brown Cavoodle, a delightful mix of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle. With his soft, curly coat and warm, expressive eyes, he captures hearts wherever he goes. With a friendly and calming nature, Parker loves to engage with children in a variety of ways. His presence provides a sense of calm, comfort, and confidence, making him a valuable and cherished companion within the classroom. Whether he’s offering a gentle paw, a reassuring cuddle or a listening ear, Parker’s mission is to spread joy and support to everyone he meets at Rosanna Primary School.’
Working Bee Scheduled -
Saturday 16 November
All are invited to attend a working Bee on Saturday 16 November between 9:00am and 12noon. Consider joining us and contribute to shaping our site. Some of the jobs to tackle include;
- pruning of bushes along pathways
- construction of a trellis in the Sustainability Garden
- the repainting of zig zag lines started at the last Working Bee
- replacement of rotting timbers in the garden bed along the Northern boundary
- reroofing of the chicken coup
- the reordering and upgrade of the sports shed
2025 Prep Orientation (Session 2) -
Friday 1 November
We look forward to the second orientation of 2025 Prep students and parents next Friday. A reminder that if you are aware of neighbours yet to enrol, please contact the office.
Curriculum Day Coming Up -
Monday 4 November
A reminder that students do not attend on this day. Staff will be sharing in a Curriculum Day focussed on assessment and reporting. For those who require supervision of their child on the day please register your interest with TheirCare.