Principal's Message 

Mr Adam Beilken

The beginning of this term has certainly flown by, and I would like to thank the Marangaroo Community for making me feel so welcome. I have enjoyed going into classes and getting to know all the students and families. 

The beginning of the term has seen events such as:

  • Emus participating in the Tough Stuff challenge where they completed a 4km walk/run.
  • Mental Health Week from the 8 October to 11 October. This event included a whole school meditation session and concluded with the well-attended community lunch.
  • Students v Teachers netball match.


Planning for 2025

The leadership team is well into planning for the 2025 school year. If you are looking to leave Marangaroo Primary School at the end of the year, can you please inform the school as soon as possible. This will enable the school to identify classroom structures and plan for staff placement.  If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact the front office.


Staffing Updates

Earlier this year, the school ran a process to establish a pool of candidates for the Deputy Principal position. It is my pleasure to announce that Mrs Ali Boardman has been successful in obtaining a permanent Deputy Principal position at Marangaroo Primary School. I would like to congratulate Mrs Boardman and look forward to working with her over the coming years. 


Arrival at School

From the start of this term, some students have been arriving at school well before classroom doors open at 8.30am. Some students have been riding their scooters and bikes while others are running around the school. There are no teachers on duty during this time. It is important that equipment is walked through the school and placed in the bike racks.  If students are arriving before 8.30am and are not participating in running club (Wednesday – Friday) they are required to sit on the bench outside of the office.


Positive Behaviour Support

Each student has been working hard on the behaviour focuses this term. These have been, 1) Using whole body listening and, 2) We use our manners – We are respectful. Faction totals have been collected and the students learnt at the beginning of the week that all factions have earnt the major reward. This reward is a visit from Mr Whippy. This is occurring on Friday 25 October between 1.30pm – 2.30pm. Can you please liaise with your child’s teacher if they are unable to eat soft serve ice cream.


Upcoming dates

8 November – Kangaroos Assembly

15 November - P&C Disco

28 November – Year 6 transition to Girrawheen SHS

3 December – Year 6 transition to Warwick SHS

4 December – Book Awards Assembly at 9.00am

10 December – Year 6 Graduation Assembly at 9.00am


Adam Beilken
