Messages from the Front Office

Acknowledgement to country
We at Marangaroo Primary school
Would like to say thank you to the Noongar people of the Wadjuk country.
For letting us share this land:
We promise to look after,
The land, the animals, and our people.
Onsite Dental Screening
The Hudson Park Dental Therapy Centre visited Marangaroo Primary School todayfor dental screening. Pre-primary, year 3 and year 6 children were screened for dental malocclusions and if necessary will be referred to the Dental Therapy centre for further review.
Please note, this was a screening session only, not a general check-up and only those already enrolled into the school dental service can be screened. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to enroll your child/ren in the school dental service, please contact the clinic directly on 9342 4217 or collect an enrollment form from the front office for your child to be included in future screenings.
Library Volunteers needed
Dear Parents,
We’re seeking volunteers to help cover our new books in the library! If you have some time to spare, please stop by and see Mrs. Preston on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Thank you for your support!
After School Sport Training
Thanks to the dedication of our Specialist PE Teacher, Mr Lee, after school netball and basketball training has now commenced on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.
Wednesday 3-4:30pm Netball training for year 2 & 3 students.
Thursday 3-4:30pm, Basketball training for year 4 & 5 students.
Students can not commence the sessions until a completed permission slip is returned. Students who are participating will be walked to the horseshoe by Mr Lee at the end of the session, to make collection easier for parents.
Perth Zoo Free Pass from the WA Government
Claim your Perth Zoo Free Pass and you and three friends can enjoy Perth Zoo for FREE this spring.
Book your wild adventure to visit your favourite furry, feathery and scaly animal friends, explore our zoo-per fun playground and listen to keeper talks – all for FREE!
- Perth Zoo Free Pass is a new initiative that enables all WA residents the opportunity to visit Perth Zoo for free.
- Simply log into the ServiceWA app, book a date and claim your four free tickets in a few clicks. Bookings essential.
- Your Perth Zoo Free Pass tickets include public transport to and from the Zoo on the day of your visit.
Offer Dates: Monday 9 September – Saturday 30 November
Time: Perth Zoo is open 9am – 5pm every day of the year, with special extended hours for our spring lights exhibition, Lights Alive.
Tickets: Bookings are essential. Claim your Perth Zoo Free Pass via ServiceWA today. Download the ServiceWA app today. The ServiceWA app is available to download on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store