Upcoming Events

Please add these events to your calendar, if relevant

You're invited to our NCS Community Prayer Breakfast

Join us at our NCS Community Prayer Breakfast on Friday 1 November at 7am. The purpose of this breakfast is to thank God for his many blessings and to bring before him our requests for both our school and wider community.


All members of our school community are welcome to attend the breakfast. We understand that some people will feel more comfortable listening to others pray rather than praying themselves and for this reason there is no expectation that everyone will pray.



The school will be providing supervised activities for students who attend with their parents. Secondary students are encouraged to participate in the prayer breakfast if they would like to.



A light breakfast will be provided for all parents and students who attend.


RSVP Essential

To assist with catering and childminding arrangements, please RSVP to this event using the link https://form.jotform.com/230377458335865 by Wednesday 30 October.


We look forward to you joining us for this important event as we prayerfully consider our school and wider community.

Save the date: NCS Community Movie Night

K-12 Thanksgiving Evening - Save the Date - Monday 9 December

Whole school events

Fri 1 Nov NCS Community Prayer breakfast
Thu 21 Nov NCS Community Movie Night

Primary Events

Tue 21 Oct Primary Zone Dragon Tag
Tues 22 Oct Instrumental Groups
Fri 25 Oct12.30pmCRU Group
Tue 29 Oct Instrumental Groups
Fri 1 Nov11.30amPrimary Assembly (Year 5 Leading)
 12.30pmCRU Group
Mon 4 Nov Stage 2 Swimming Week

Secondary Events

Mon 20 Oct Year 10 RYDA Workshop
Wed 23 Oct Olympic Unleashed
  After School Volleyball Training
Thu 24 Oct Girls League Tag Gala Day
Wed 30 Oct Year 8 Medieval Day
  After School Volleyball Training
Thu 31 Oct Open Boys Cricket
Fri 1 Nov9.35amSecondary Assembly