School Calendar

Marathon Club - Every Friday from 8.15am
- Swimming program every Thursday - Last session 28th November
- Plot to Pot has been moved to Friday to accommodate swimming this term.
The fortnight ahead...
8th November Assembly @ 2.45pm
12th November - Whole School Sport Celebration Day
13th November - Yr 6 Parent Dinner
18th November - School Community Feedback Night
18th - 20th November - Year 5/6 Camp to Forest Edge
19th November - Foundation Transition #3 @ 9.30 - 10.30
22nd November - Year 5 Indoor Soccer Day
Important dates for Term 4
5th December - Yr 6 trip to Gumbuya World (end of year celebration)
5th - 6th December - Year 2 Sleepover
6th December - Last day to order from Bakers Delight (remember to select Menzies Creek Primary)
10th December - Yr 6 Graduation
Statewide Transition Day
20th December @ 1.30pm - End of 2024 school year asssembly @ 1pm